Help getting my Cloud Chamber to work please

In summary, the speaker is building a cloud chamber and is trying to achieve a supersaturated layer of isopropyl alcohol in the chamber. They are having trouble detecting any trails despite using radioactive materials and a great alcohol layer. They are also questioning the need for a high voltage power source and are seeking advice from others on a forum. They have also attached a picture of their setup and have been directed to search for previous threads on their topic.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I've built a cloud chamber, I have saturated isopropyl alcohol layer, but no radiations are showing.

I'm currently building a cloud chamber, my end goal is to make it powered by Peltier chips but that won't happen until I can make it work with dry ice. I've been able to achieve a supersaturated layer of isopropyl alcohol in the chamber, however, even with very radioactive uranite (≈45000cpm) and with less radioactive uranite (≈1000cpm), I'm not detecting any trails. Super conflicting as I have a great alcohol layer... anyone have any idea what might be going on?
Also, is a HV power source absolutely critical, idk, something with putting HV in a pure alcohol atmosphere just doesn't sit right for me.
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  • #2

Here's what it looks like, doesn't show much or help much but just in case. This is with it on btw.

P.s. ik it would be easier to see the trails left behind on a black backdrop, I tried on one, still nothing, I’m using aluminum foil here for better contact with the dry ice hoping that would help
  • #3
On the top right corner of the screen, click on the button labeled "SEARCH"
In the "Keywords" field type Cloud Chamber
At the bottom of the screen, click the blue "Search" button

There are about 40 separate threads addressing your problem(s) that should answer many of your questions... and suggest many tips.

Please keep us updated on your progress or any specific questions you may have.

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Likes vanhees71

FAQ: Help getting my Cloud Chamber to work please

How do I set up my cloud chamber?

To set up your cloud chamber, you will need a clear, airtight container (such as a glass jar), dry ice, and 99% isopropyl alcohol. Place a layer of dry ice at the bottom of the container and pour a small amount of alcohol on top. Close the container tightly and let it sit for about 10 minutes to cool down.

Why is my cloud chamber not producing any clouds?

There could be a few reasons why your cloud chamber is not producing any clouds. First, make sure that your container is airtight and there are no leaks. Also, check that your dry ice is fresh and has not evaporated. Finally, ensure that the alcohol you are using is 99% isopropyl alcohol, as a lower percentage will not work as well.

How long does it take for clouds to form in a cloud chamber?

The amount of time it takes for clouds to form in a cloud chamber can vary depending on the conditions and materials used. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for clouds to form. If you are not seeing any clouds after 10 minutes, there may be an issue with your setup.

Can I use a different type of alcohol in my cloud chamber?

While 99% isopropyl alcohol is the most commonly used alcohol in cloud chambers, you can experiment with other types of alcohol such as ethanol or methanol. Keep in mind that different alcohols may produce different results and it is important to use caution when handling these substances.

How do I dispose of the materials used in my cloud chamber?

Dry ice and isopropyl alcohol can be hazardous materials and should be disposed of properly. Allow the dry ice to evaporate completely before disposing of it in a well-ventilated area. The alcohol can be poured down the drain in small amounts, or you can let it evaporate in a well-ventilated area before disposing of the container.

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