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ok first of all my problem is the electric company. they charged me outrageously for fees. they didnt charge my neghbors. 775usd for ussually around 120usd. they shot down all my efforts to dispute the bill. thus i have set out to be able to produce my own source for electricity. i am not a brainiac but i am smart enough to figure things out so any help will be great. what i am trying to do is find where i can get a generator that will suficently run a single house with all the neccesities for urban survival. i want to power this generator with no gas or diesel. i would like to power this generator with an electric motor(110). preferably 5 hp. i have already located these. i want this to turn a machine to pump out mechanical energy to multiply the electric motor's output. i have researched a little in energy storage. i am quite sure that with 45 amp battery chargers and batteries i can store electricity sufficently. i can't find any info on generators other than how to buy them and they have a gas or diesel motor on them. ANY INFO AT ALL would be helpful. if i have to make a generator myself i will do it. i do want to say that i want commercial or industial grade machines. or at least something that will last. if anyone has any reading info i would be greatfull to know what it is. and to all who help me on this one i am greatly appreciative.