How Do First Class Levers Apply to Scissors?

In summary, the conversation discusses the principle of moments and its application to first class levers. It explains the relationship between distance and force needed to maintain balance in a lever system and provides an example involving a stone and a person. The concept of work is also briefly mentioned. Finally, the conversation touches upon the use of levers in scissors and the relationship between distance and force in this scenario.
  • #1
Peter G.
I understand the principle of moments and how it is applicable to first class levers:

A stone, at 1 m from the fulcrum weights 300N
I stand at 3 m from the fulcrum:

Clockwise Moment = Anticlockwise Moment
F x 3 = 300 x 1
Therefore, I have to exert 100N of force to lift the stone. To balance the "see-saw"

The work I do in case I want to raise it by 0.1 m will be:
I stand at 3 meters, the load at 1, so I move three times the distance, therefore, the work I do will be using the distance of 0.3 m

Therefore, Force x Distance = 100 x 0.3 = 30 Joules

However, I need to understand how a scissor works. I am assuming it consists of two first class levers. Does it work like this?

I grip the scissor at 0.1 m from the fulcrum and exert 10 N of force, providing a clockwise turning effect of 1 N/m

The object I'm trying to cut is at 0.05 m from the fulcrum. My guess is that it experiences the same turning effect, but being closer to the fulcrum it will suffer from a much greater force: 10 x 0.1 = F x 0.05 = 20 N of force.

Sorry for the long text but I think it makes it easier for you guys to help me despite being a "pain" to endure :shy:
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  • #2
Hi Peter! :wink:
Peter G. said:
I grip the scissor at 0.1 m from the fulcrum and exert 10 N of force, providing a clockwise turning effect of 1 N/m

The object I'm trying to cut is at 0.05 m from the fulcrum. My guess is that it experiences the same turning effect, but being closer to the fulcrum it will suffer from a much greater force: 10 x 0.1 = F x 0.05 = 20 N of force.

Yes, that's right! :smile:
  • #3

Thanks a lot Tiny-tim! :biggrin: