How do I simplify the calculation of this trace involving six gamma matrices?

In summary, the expression given can be simplified using the identity of three gamma matrices. By using this identity, the expression can be reduced to only six terms, which can then be further simplified by considering only the cross terms of the form ##\text{tr}[\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu(\gamma^5)^2]##.
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Trace of six gamma matrices

I need to calculate this expression:
$$Tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{\rho}\gamma^{\sigma}\gamma^{\alpha}\gamma^{\beta}\gamma^{5}) $$
I know that I can express this as:
$$ Tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{\rho}\gamma^{\sigma}\gamma^{\alpha}\gamma^{\beta}\gamma^{5})=-4i(g^{\mu\nu}\epsilon^{\rho\sigma\alpha\beta}-g^{\mu\rho}\epsilon^{\nu\sigma\alpha\beta}+g^{\mu\sigma}\epsilon^{\nu\rho\alpha\beta}-g^{\mu\alpha}\epsilon^{\nu\rho\sigma\beta}+g^{\mu\beta}\epsilon^{\nu\rho\sigma\alpha}+g^{\nu\rho}\epsilon^{\mu\sigma\alpha\beta}-g^{\nu\sigma}\epsilon^{\mu\rho\alpha\beta}+g^{\nu\alpha}\epsilon^{\mu\rho\sigma\beta}-g^{\nu\beta}\epsilon^{\mu\rho\sigma\alpha}+g^{\rho\sigma}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}-g^{\rho\alpha}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\sigma\beta}+g^{\rho\beta}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\sigma\alpha}+g^{\sigma\alpha}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\beta}-g^{\sigma\beta}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\alpha}+g^{\alpha\beta}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}) $$
So, some of this terms are the same and some vanish. My question is how to show that:
I know that:
$$Tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{\rho}\gamma^{\sigma}\gamma^{\alpha}\gamma^{\beta}\gamma^{5})=-4i(g^{\mu\nu}\epsilon^{\rho\sigma\alpha\beta}-g^{\mu\rho}\epsilon^{\nu\sigma\alpha\beta}+g^{\rho\nu}\epsilon^{\mu\sigma\alpha\beta}-g^{\alpha\beta}\epsilon^{\sigma\mu\nu\rho}+g^{\sigma\beta}\epsilon^{\alpha\mu\nu\rho}-g^{\sigma\alpha}\epsilon^{\beta\mu\nu\rho}) $$
So only six terms survive, but how?
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I'm not sure where the expression in your intermediate step comes from so I would rather try to use it. There is an identity
$$ \gamma^\mu \gamma^\nu \gamma^\rho = \eta^{\mu\nu} \gamma^\rho + \eta^{\nu\rho} \gamma^\mu - \eta^{\mu\rho} \gamma^\nu - i \epsilon^{\sigma\mu\nu\rho} \gamma_\sigma\gamma^5,$$
that is proved in many places (including I would suggest using this for the two groups of 3 matrices. Before doing a lot of algebra, you will find that only the cross terms of the form ##\text{tr}[\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu(\gamma^5)^2]## are non trivial. This should yield the 6 terms that you've written above without a lot of fuss.

FAQ: How do I simplify the calculation of this trace involving six gamma matrices?

What is the trace of six gamma matrices?

The trace of six gamma matrices refers to the sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix made up of six gamma matrices. It is a mathematical operation commonly used in quantum field theory to simplify calculations involving gamma matrices.

How is the trace of six gamma matrices calculated?

The trace of six gamma matrices is calculated by adding the diagonal elements of the matrix. This can be done by multiplying each element in the first row by the corresponding element in the first column, then adding the products together. The same process is repeated for the remaining rows and columns, and the final sum is the trace.

What is the significance of the trace of six gamma matrices?

The trace of six gamma matrices is significant in quantum field theory as it simplifies calculations involving these matrices. It also has physical significance in the study of particle physics, as it is related to the symmetry properties of certain particles.

Can the trace of six gamma matrices be zero?

Yes, the trace of six gamma matrices can be zero. In fact, it is often zero in certain calculations and equations in quantum field theory. However, it can also have non-zero values depending on the specific matrices used and the context of the calculation.

Are there any other uses for the trace of six gamma matrices?

Yes, the trace of six gamma matrices has various other uses in mathematics and physics. It is used in the calculation of determinants, eigenvalues, and other mathematical operations. It also has applications in other areas of physics, such as condensed matter physics and general relativity.
