How Do You Calculate Event Locations in Different Reference Frames in Physics?

  • Thread starter billllib
  • Start date
In summary, in Alice's frame of reference, the first flash of light occurs 25 kilometers ahead of Bob, and the second flash of light occurs 75 kilometers ahead of Alice. The Galilean transform can be used to find the location of an event in a different reference frame. It is used when one wants to consider the stationary observer as the reference frame. This calculation is an example of classical physics.
  • #1
Homework Statement
(b) Where does this event occur in Alice’s frame of reference?
Relevant Equations
d = vt
x' = x - vt

Consider Bob in a vehicle moving to the right (positive x direction) at a speed of 100 km/hour with respect to Alice, who is observing Bob go by. Bob passes Alice at time t = 0, and at that instant he observes a flash of light that occurs at a distancexB=25 kilometersahead of him (in his direction of travel). (Remember what “to observe” means: the event is recorded via one of the clocks in a lattice of synchronized clocks in the observer’s frame of reference.

(a) Where does this event occur in Alice’s frame of reference?

Bob continues to travel at 100 km/hour for 30minutes, at which point he observes another flash of light at a distance of 25 km ahead of him.

(b) Where does this event occur in Alice’s frame of reference?

I just have a question about question b.
In order to find b answer I take

current_location_of_Bob = vt = (100)(.5)= 50

current_location_of_second_flash = 25

distance_away_from_Alice= 25 + 50 = 75

Is there a formula to solve this?
what is the different situations when I use d = vt vs Galilean transform?
Also the Galilean transform is only used when I want B to be the stationary observer instead of A in a spacetime diagram?
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  • #2
Is this Special Relativity? Or classical physics?
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  • #3
Classical physics.
  • #4
billllib said:
I just have a question about question b.
In order to find b answer I take

current_location_of_Bob = vt = (100)(.5)= 50

current_location_of_second_flash = 25

distance_away_from_Alice= 25 + 50 = 75

Is there a formula to solve this?
what is the different situations when I use d = vt vs Galilean transform?
Also the Galilean transform is only used when I want B to be the stationary observer instead of A in a spacetime diagram?

You don't say which frame of reference you are using in each of these calculations. And, you don't say what transformation (if any) you are using.

If you think about that it might help you answer your questions.
  • #5
PeroK said:
Is this Special Relativity? Or classical physics?
I wonder why each observer has a lattice of synchronized clocks if this is a non-relativistic calculation. Does "classical" exclude "non-relativistic" in addition to "quantum"?
  • #6
I am using Alice's frame. But I guess the wording that confuses me it is 25 km away from Bob doesn't that make it Bob's frame?
  • #7
billllib said:
I am using Alice's frame. But I guess the wording that confuses me it is 25 km away from Bob doesn't that make it Bob's frame?
Well, you can describe any event in any reference frame. Sometimes you get data as measured in one frame and sometimes in another. You have to be careful, therefore, to know what frame you are using and when you have to transform data.

The point is that I didn't see you use the Galilean transformation anywhere.
  • #8
But just to confirm even when it says 25km away from Bob it is still in Alice's frame?
  • #9
billllib said:
But just to confirm even when it says 25km away from Bob it is still in Alice's frame?
The question tells you that the 25km was measured by Bob.

That said, does it make a difference?
  • #10
I think I got it. x' = x- vt 25 - (-100)(.5) = 75 in Alice frame. Thanks for the help.
Sorry for changing this a million times but shouldn't velocity be -(+100 ) = - 100 not -(-100) = + 100?
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  • #11
I solved the problem.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Event Locations in Different Reference Frames in Physics?

What is the difference between "D = vt" and "x' = x - vt"?

The main difference between these two equations is that "D = vt" represents the distance traveled by an object over time, while "x' = x - vt" represents the displacement of an object from its original position. In other words, "D = vt" is a measure of how far an object has traveled, while "x' = x - vt" is a measure of how far the object has moved from its starting point.

How are "D = vt" and "x' = x - vt" related?

The two equations are related through the concept of displacement, which is the difference between an object's final position and its initial position. In other words, "D = vt" is the total distance traveled by an object, while "x' = x - vt" is the displacement of the object from its starting point.

What do "D", "v", "t", "x", and "x'" represent in the equations "D = vt" and "x' = x - vt"?

In both equations, "D" represents the distance traveled, "v" represents the velocity of the object, "t" represents the time elapsed, and "x" represents the initial position of the object. In "x' = x - vt", "x'" represents the final position of the object after time "t".

What is the significance of the negative sign in "x' = x - vt"?

The negative sign in "x' = x - vt" indicates that the displacement is in the opposite direction of the velocity. This means that the object is moving in the negative direction (e.g. left or down) from its initial position.

How can "D = vt" and "x' = x - vt" be used in real-world scenarios?

These equations can be used to calculate the distance an object has traveled or the displacement of an object from its starting point in real-world scenarios. For example, they can be used to calculate the distance a car has traveled in a certain amount of time or the displacement of an airplane from its starting point after a certain amount of time.
