How do you organize academic papers?

In summary: Do you use a Mac?I have many papers in pdf form and fail at organizing them in a way I can find them efficiently. Any suggestions?Try this; rename the file with the following order of strings: journal, a summary that's meaningful to you, then an author. For example:IEEE-APS-SmallSurfaceMountAntenna-Johnson.pdfThe author is optional; you could use a date instead.You're kidding, right? Are you really so lame that you can't organize the stuff that you download? I don't think so, or you wouldn't bother downloading the stuff. Just give it some thought.
  • #1
I have many papers in pdf form and fail at organizing them in a way I can find them efficiently. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
I organize them by journal and/or topically.
  • #3
DukeLuke said:
I have many papers in pdf form and fail at organizing them in a way I can find them efficiently. Any suggestions?
You're kidding, right? Are you really so lame that you can't organize the stuff that you download? I don't think so, or you wouldn't bother downloading the stuff. Just give it some thought. You'll figure out a system that works for you.
  • #5
I use JabRef to manage a big BibTex data base. You can search for authors and keywords in there. You can also link to the PDF and open the PDF with a click.

Occasionally I create an overview LaTeX document that lists the important papers of a given subject with link to either the PDF or the DOI.

Any papers I write directly use the big database. JabRef can use the .aux file to extract the cited entries from the big data base into a smaller file. This is useful when you exchange files with co-authors.

JabRef is on Windows. On Linux is usally just use emacs to edite the .bib directly.
  • #6
DukeLuke said:
I have many papers in pdf form and fail at organizing them in a way I can find them efficiently. Any suggestions?

Try this; rename the file with the following order of strings: journal, a summary that's meaningful to you, then an author.

For example:

The author is optional; you could use a date instead.
  • #7
ThomasT said:
You're kidding, right? Are you really so lame that you can't organize the stuff that you download? I don't think so, or you wouldn't bother downloading the stuff. Just give it some thought. You'll figure out a system that works for you.

Not really lame at all when you have 1000+ papers (and many multidisciplinary). Finding a single paper you know about is not really that difficult with a naming system, but being able to search by keywords or areas would be extremely beneficial for me. I'm going to take a look at some of the suggestions. I think it would be great if there was something out there that allowed you to tag papers with keywords, author, journal, year, etc when you save them and allow you to search using these tags.
  • #8
With BibTeX all that information goes into the database and is not attached directly to the PDF. If you use LaTeX, I think that is the way to go, and you can then choose any front-end to the database (which is a simple ASCII file) you like. Bibtex is flexible in the sense that you can add tags to the database that are non-standard, e.g. a keywords or pacs tag. Title, author(s), journal, volume, year, and pages are standard. Phys Rev or Web of Science allow you to download Bibtex entries in text format, sometimes including the text of the abstract which takes care of most keywords. The DB being a simple text file it is easy to search with or without a front end. This works great cross-systems (Windows/*ux)

The pain is building the database for 1000+ papers. My approach is to do this as I go along, when I cite a paper it is added to the DB. I have not counted the entries, but there must be 1000+.

If you use Word, then BibTeX will not work for you.
  • #9
M Quack said:
If you use Word, then BibTeX will not work for you.

That's not correct. There is a plugin bibtex2word which works quite well. I use it when I have to edit word documents. Jabref and bibtex is also my preferred system.

FAQ: How do you organize academic papers?

1. How do you decide on a specific organizational system for academic papers?

The best way to decide on an organizational system for academic papers is to first consider the specific subject or field of study. Different areas may have different standards and conventions for organizing papers. It is also important to consider personal preferences and what works best for your own workflow.

2. Should academic papers be organized chronologically or thematically?

This can vary depending on the purpose of the organization. For example, if you are conducting a literature review, it may be more helpful to organize papers thematically to see how different studies and findings relate to each other. However, if you are conducting a research project, organizing papers chronologically may be more useful in understanding the progression of ideas and theories in your field.

3. What are some tips for organizing citations and references within academic papers?

One tip is to use citation management software, such as EndNote or Zotero, to keep track of all your references and easily insert them into your paper. Another tip is to consistently use a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA, to ensure consistency and accuracy in your references.

4. How do you keep track of multiple drafts and versions of academic papers?

One method is to use a version control system, such as GitHub, to track changes and revisions. This can also be helpful for collaborating with others on a paper. Another option is to save multiple versions of the paper with clear labels, such as "Draft 1" or "Final Version", to easily keep track of changes.

5. Is there a specific way to organize data and figures within an academic paper?

It is important to follow any specific guidelines or requirements set by the journal or publication where the paper will be submitted. Generally, data and figures should be clearly labeled and referenced within the text of the paper. It may also be helpful to include a separate section for figures and tables, with corresponding numbers and titles.

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