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How can i solve y" + 2y =0 with RK4 and their program fortran
please I néed your helpe
please I néed your helpe
my ey is y"+2y weith y(x) = cos(2x)mlouky said:How can i solve y" + 2y =0 with RK4 and their program fortran
please I néed your helpe
y(x) = cos(2x) is not a solution of y'' + 2y = 0.mlouky said:my ey is y"+2y weith y(x) = cos(2x)
mlouky said:voila mon progam
Mod note: Added [ code ] and [ /code ] tags, below.
Fortran:Program second_ordr implicit none integer, parameter :: n=21 ! number of base points double precision, external :: f double precision, dimension(1:n) :: x, y, dy ! x, y, y' integer i open (unit=22,file="result.dat") ! boundary values x(1) = 0.0 y(1) = 0.0 x(n) = 1.0 y(n) = 1.0 ! assumptions for y'(1) - use dy(1) and dy(2) here only as a storage dy(1) = 1 dy(2) = 0 write(*,100) do i=1,n write (*,101) x(i), y(i), dy(i) end do 100 format(5x, 'x',11x, 'y',11x, 'dy') 101 format(3(1pe12.4)) stop end program second_ordr function f(x,y,dy) implicit none double precision f, x, y, dy f = 0.55*cos(0.55*x) end function f subroutine rk4_2d(f,x,y,dy,n) implicit none double precision f integer n double precision, dimension(1:n) :: x, y, dy integer i double precision h,k11,k12,k21,k22,k31,k32,k41,k42 do i=2,n h = x(i)-x(i-1) k11 = h*dy(i-1) k12 = h*f(x(i-1),y(i-1),dy(i-1)) k21 = h*(dy(i-1)+k12/2.0) k22 = h*f(x(i-1)+h/2.0, y(i-1)+k11/2.0, dy(i-1)+k12/2.0) k31 = h*(dy(i-1)+k22/2.0) k32 = h*f(x(i-1)+h/2.0, y(i-1)+k21/2.0, dy(i-1)+k22/2.0) k41 = h*(dy(i-1)+k32) k42 = h*f(x(i-1)+h,y(i-1)+k31,dy(i-1)+k32) y(i) = y(i-1) + (k11 + 2.0*(k21+k31) + k41)/6.0 dy(i) = dy(i-1)+ (k12 + 2.0*(k22+k32) + k42)/6.0 end do end subroutine rk4_2d
That is not what you wrote in your opening post. There you wrote that you want to solve $y'' + 2y = 0$, but you did not specify initial conditions. In your second post you wrote that you want to solve $y'' + 2y = 0$ with $y(x) = cos(2x)$ and boundary conditions $y(0)=0, y(1)=1$. As Mark noted, $y(x) = cos(2x)$ is not a solution of $y'' + 2y = 0$.mlouky said:I explain exactly what I want
I have an ordinary differential equation of order two y "(x) = -2cos (2x)
I am looking to solve numerically the RK4 method to write a program in FORTRAN
with y (0) = 1 and y '(0) = 0
thank you very much
To solve a first-order ODE using rk4 in Fortran, you will need to first define the initial conditions, the differential equation itself, and the step size. Then, you can use a series of loops to calculate the values of the dependent variable at each time step using the rk4 algorithm. Finally, you can print out or plot the results to see the solution.
The Runge-Kutta method (rk4) is a numerical method for solving ordinary differential equations. It works by approximating the solution at each time step using a weighted average of several intermediate values calculated using the derivative of the function at different points. This method is more accurate than other numerical methods and is widely used in scientific computing.
Yes, you can use rk4 to solve higher-order differential equations by converting them into a system of first-order equations. This can be done by introducing new variables to represent the higher-order derivatives and then solving the resulting system using rk4 as described in the first question.
While the rk4 method is a powerful tool for solving ODEs, it does have some limitations. For example, it may not be as accurate for stiff or highly oscillatory problems. Additionally, the choice of step size can affect the accuracy of the solution, so it may require some trial and error to find the optimal step size.
Yes, there are many Fortran libraries and modules available that implement the rk4 method for solving ODEs. These libraries may offer additional features and optimizations that can improve the accuracy and speed of the solution. However, it is still important to understand how the rk4 method works and how to implement it in case you encounter any issues or need to customize the code for your specific problem.