If a day equals 1000 years, How much time is 1 hour

  • Thread starter torisboy
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    Time Years
  • #1
If a day equals 1000 years, How much time is one hour?

I need to figure the equation based on 360 days per year.
no need to worry about leap years

1 day = 24 hours
(1000 years)/(one 24 hour day) = 360 days (?) = 1 hour

Thank you for the help.
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  • #2
First of all, a year has 365 days not 360. Secondly, you can just say a day is 24 times as long as an hour, so 1000 years is 24 times as long as...?
  • #3
I am using the Hebrew Year which is in essence 360 days.
  • #4
I was under the impression that Hebrew Years were only slightly different from "standard" years (perhaps by only a few tenths of a year), with only the occasional divergence because of leaps. I could be wrong, though; I'm neither Jewish nor a religious expert by any means.

As for the math:
1 day = 1000 years
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 1000/24=?
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  • #5
jacksonpeeble said:
I was under the impression that Hebrew Years were only slightly different from "standard" years (perhaps by only a few tenths of a year), with only the occasional divergence because of leaps. I could be wrong, though; I'm neither Jewish nor a religious expert by any means.

Since the solar year is 365 days long but a moon year (Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar) is only 354 days (29.5x12), an extra month is added to the Hebrew calendar every two or three years.

So how long is 42 months based on 1000 years = 1 day
  • #6
What is the purpose of this line of questioning, torisboy?

You are dwelling too much on whether a year is 360 versus 365 days (or 365.25 days). Before moving on to the 42 month question, do you have an answer for the original question? Post #4 has a very good hint.
  • #7
I'm not dwelling on the time. I asked the question and was informed my numbers were incorrect. I explained and a conversation developed.

What is your motivation for asking what My intentions are anyway?
There is no motivation behind this line of questions except , I CAN'T Seem to wrap my mind around this problem.


An answer or assistance and I will gladly end my post.
  • #8
You got as close to an answer as we can give in post #4. We have very strong rules against doing someone's homework for them. Our job is to help people do their own homework.

41.66 what -- what units? Days? Years? Seconds?
  • #9
If a day equals 1000 years, that means you're stretching time by a factor of 1000*365 (or 1000*360, or whatever). So how long is an hour?
  • #10

I AM well out of school at 41 and my even older dad asked me this question.

Even with the numbers in front of me, I have no idea if its 41.66 years,days or whatever.

This is a biblical question and I didn't want to bring that into the question for fear the question would be left alone.

Here is how the question was posed to me by my dad:
IF 1 day equals 1000 years, how long is an hour. Thinking I might could figure that out, he then added the kicker of how long is 42 months.

SOrry, I just truly don't know the answer..
I am only guessing the 41.66 is correct based on dividing 1000 by 24 hours in a day from post #4.

I can't wrap my mind around this one.
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  • #11
OK. Now that we know this is not homework ...

This is just a matter of ratios, very much like the scaling used to generate maps. Think of a map of your town, where one inch on the map might represent one mile. In this case, the ratio is 1 day : 1000 years, so 1 hour, which is 1/24 of a day, represents 1000/24 years -- or 41.67 years.
  • #12
D H said:
OK. Now that we know this is not homework ...

This is just a matter of ratios, very much like the scaling used to generate maps. Think of a map of your town, where one inch on the map might represent one mile. In this case, the ratio is 1 day : 1000 years, so 1 hour, which is 1/24 of a day, represents 1000/24 years -- or 41.67 years.

Epiphany! THe map is a big help. THanks to all for the info.
LEt me dig further; if I use the map scenario, will I take 1000 and divide by the number of minutes in a day to get the months?
24 hours is 1440 minutes
1000 / 1440 =.694 would that be the months?
  • #13
Ok everybody here is the low down

If a day equals 1000 years, How much time is 1 hour

1000/24h = 41.66666666666666667
1 hour = 41.66 years
41.66 years = 41 years 7 months 28 days 1 hour 26min 24 seconds

That means if you where able to warp travel to another planet in the cosmos with a
barrel of freshly smashed grapes, leave the grapes behind and warp back to earth.

If 1 day on Earth equaled 1000yrs on the planet you left the grapes on, you could watch your favorite TV show, warp back and you would have some old 40 plus year old wine!
that would be a nice little trick!

Just make sure if you take your little brother you don't leave him behind! Even for a second! lol... you could get home take a leak in the bathroom, plop your butt down on the couch and go... " uhh where's Bobby?"
Immediately warp back for him and find... he's now your older bother... and he'll prob kick your *** too... just say'n.

lets see...

1 second = 0.01157 years OR 4 days 5 hours 25 mins 26 seconds

1 minute = .694 years OR 8 months 9 days 20 hours 9 mins

2 minutes = 1.388 years OR 1 year 4 months 19 days 16 hours 18 mins

3 minutes = 2.0826 years OR 2 years 29 days 12 hours 28 mins 48 seconds

hope this helps

Randy East
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  • #14
Seems like this would be easier to use Dimensional Analysis and apply [itex]\frac{1day}{1000 years}[/itex] as a unit factor.

Such that:

[tex]1hour \frac{1day}{24hr} \frac{1000yr_{n}}{1day} = X years_{n}[/tex]
Where sub-n is the new scale

You could then just convert whatever the problem gives into a base that agrees with the unit factor and compute.
  • #15
torisboy said:
Here is how the question was posed to me by my dad:
IF 1 day equals 1000 years, how long is an hour. Thinking I might could figure that out, he then added the kicker of how long is 42 months.

Just to bring in some new doubts.

If 1 day equals 1000 years - how long is 42 months ?

Does the 42 months take the place of the day or the 1000 years ?

ie Are we asking

If 1 day = 1000 years then 42 months = ... years
If 1 day = 1000 years then ... (days) = 42 months


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