Influence on world's number and Bell's theorem

  • #1
A question about Bell's theorem :

Consider the ##CHSH=AB-AB'+A'B+A'B'##

Then the theorem states : ##-2\leq CHSH\leq 2##
Implying ##|<CHSH>|\leq 2##.

We could repeat the average : ##\langle |\langle CHSH\rangle|\rangle\leq 2##

Now Bell's theorem deals with large numbers average, in order to get 2 if we suppose a different variable for each covariance : ##A(\lambda_1)B(\lambda_1)-A(\lambda_2)B(\lambda_2)+A'(\lambda_3)B(\lambda_3)+A'(\lambda_4)B'(\lambda_4)##Could we do a small number average for the interior average and a large number for exterior average. (In fact this gives the average of the absolute value) ?

For example the interior average could be about 1 value (number of photons per measurment, or maybe number of worlds ?) and the exterior a large number, giving : ##\langle |CHSH|\rangle\approx 2.25##
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  • #2
That's essentially what is known as superdeterminism where the state itself is set in advance to different values depending on what you measure, meaning ultimately that the atomic state and your measurement choice are correlated.

Hard to believe when distant quasars are setting each measurement choice, as is the case in recent tests.
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