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- 22,183
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- Author: Serge Lang
- Title: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/3540780602/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: High-School mathematics
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Vectors
[*] Definition of Points in Space
[*] Located Vectors
[*] Scalar Product
[*] The Norm of a Vector
[*] Parametric Lines
[*] Planes
[*] Matrices and Linear Equations
[*] Matrices
[*] Multiplication of Matrices
[*] Homogeneous Linear Equations and Elimination
[*] Row Operations and Gauss Elimination
[*] Row Operations and Elementary Matrices
[*] Linear Combinations
[*] Vector Spaces
[*] Definitions
[*] Linear Combinations
[*] Convex Sets
[*] Linear Independence
[*] Dimension
[*] The Rank of a Matrix
[*] Linear Mappings
[*] Mappings
[*] Linear Mappings
[*] The Kernel and Image of a Linear Map
[*] The Rank and Linear Equations Again
[*] The Matrix Associated with a Linear Map
[*] Appendix: Change of Bases
[*] Composition and Inverse Mappings
[*] Composition of Linear Maps
[*] Inverses
[*] Scalar Products and Orthogonality
[*] Scalar Products
[*] Orthogonal Bases
[*] Bilinear Maps and Matrices
[*] Determinants
[*] Determinants of Order 2
[*] The Rank of a Matrix and Subdeterminants
[*] Cramer's Rule
[*] Inverse of a Matrix
[*] Determinants as Area and Volume
[*] Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
[*] Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
[*] The Characteristic Polynomial
[*] Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrices
[*] Diagonalization of a Symmetric Linear Map
[*] Appendix: Complex Numbers
[*] Answers to Exercises
[*] Index
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