Is QM truly random and many world theory

In summary, the conversation discussed the principles of quantum mechanics (QM) and its relationship to randomness, determinism, fatalism, and the many worlds theory. It was mentioned that QM does not have a mechanism for predicting the exact outcomes of quantum events, and that there is an element of randomness in these events. However, there is a formulation of QM called Bohmian Mechanics that asserts it is possible, in principle, to determine outcomes with complete certainty. The conversation also touched on the definition of true randomness and how QM fits into this definition. Finally, the many worlds theory was briefly discussed, with the idea that it occurs at the quantum level and that it is a valid interpretation of QM.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

i didn't wanted to create two separate threads so merged them into one.

i got confused watching Brian Green explaining QM on one of his shows.
He compared distribution in double slit experiments with throwing a ball on a roulette.
He said that casino doesn't have to know where ball on roulette wheal is going to land, but casino knows that in the long run that he is going to get some kind of distribution. In other words, when we shoot electrons through double slit, we can't know for sure where it will go but we know that it will follow normal distribution. But in principle ball and roulette table follows Newtonian laws and if we had all the data we need, we could say with 100% certainty where will ball land. Does the same principle apply in QM i.e. if we had all the data we need we could say where the electron land? If that is the case then is QM truly random? On the other hand if we had all the data and we still couldn't predict where electron will land then it seems to me that QM is truly random. Also does qm behaving random drives stake through the heart of fatalism and predeterminism?

Second question is about many worlds theory. Here is video where Sean Carroll explains a many world theory, and he uses example of a car choosing which why to go. Now, i hope that this many world theory has nothing to do with actual cars choosing which way to go i.e. when actual car chooses which way to go he doesn't create a new world, but rather all of this is on a microscopic level.

Thank you.
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  • #2
Government$ said:
... Does the same principle apply in QM i.e. if we had all the data we need we could say where the electron land? If that is the case then is QM truly random? On the other hand if we had all the data and we still couldn't predict where electron will land then it seems to me that QM is truly random. Also does qm behaving random drives stake through the heart of fatalism and predeterminism?


QM does not have a mechanism for predicting the exact outcome of many quantum level events, regardless of the knowledge you have. In such cases, the results follow a probability distribution of some kind as mentioned. It is commonly accepted that those outcomes have a truly random element in this sense: there is nothing about the state of a system *here and now* that will determine the outcome of a future measurement independently of the act of observing it.

There is a formulation of QM called Bohmian Mechanics that asserts that it is possible, in principle, to determine the results with complete certainty, thus restoring determinism. However, they say there are practical limitations that make it impossible to achieve this. This is not a generally accepted viewpoint, although it is considered an acceptable interpretation since the ultimate predictions of Bohmian Mechanics are the same as QM.
  • #3
If you can predict an event or sequence of events with a certain level of accuracy, how can it be truly random?
  • #4
Drakkith said:
If you can predict an event or sequence of events with a certain level of accuracy, how can it be truly random?

Exactly that kind of the system is not random, for me truly random system is system that you can't possibly predict, even if you have all the possible data and know all the laws of physics.
  • #5
Drakkith said:
If you can predict an event or sequence of events with a certain level of accuracy, how can it be truly random?

If you change it to, "events or a series of events where the best you can do is to predict the probability of the outcomes", then it becomes pretty much an definition of randomness. If you then move from purely ideal theoretical statistics to the real world you also get the limits on accuracy from such things as measurement errors and sample size.

Government$ said:
Exactly that kind of the system is not random, for me truly random system is system that you can't possibly predict, even if you have all the possible data and know all the laws of physics.

That is however an entirely nonstandard definition of (statistical) randomness as used in QM. The definition you're both using comes much closer to non-causal than random.

In the case of "truly random", which usually just means "not-pseudorandom", your definition is sort of the opposite of actual usage. Quantum effects are even used as school books examples of actual real world truly random processes like random number generators powered by radioactive decay.
  • #6
No one can say if QM is truly random or not because deterministic systems can mimic randomness. We have tests that can determine if something is pseudo-random (ie created by a deterministic process) and it has passed all those. But those tests are not 100% reliable - some very complex pseudo-random number generators pass it. So the best we can say today is as far as we can tell it's truly random but can't say for sure - nor do I think is it possible to ever do so.

Regarding MWI - yes it occurs at the quantum level but since what happens at the quantum level determines the classical under that interpretation there would be a world where the car went a different way. Personally I think the MWI is mystical mumbo jumbo - but hey its a valid interpretation and all interpretations IMHO suck in their own unique way - even the one I hold to - so simply choose the one that sucks the least - its your choice.


FAQ: Is QM truly random and many world theory

1. Is quantum mechanics truly random?

There is still much debate and ongoing research in the scientific community about the true nature of randomness in quantum mechanics. Some scientists believe that quantum events are truly random, while others argue that there may be underlying patterns or causes that we have yet to discover.

2. What is the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics?

The many-worlds interpretation is a theory in quantum mechanics that suggests that every time a measurement is made, the universe splits into multiple parallel universes, each one representing a different possible outcome of the measurement.

3. How does the many-worlds interpretation explain the wave-particle duality?

The many-worlds interpretation suggests that particles exist in multiple states, or "superpositions," until they are observed or measured. This includes both wave-like and particle-like behaviors, which can be thought of as existing in different parallel universes.

4. Is the many-worlds interpretation supported by evidence?

While the many-worlds interpretation is considered a valid interpretation of quantum mechanics, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the existence of parallel universes. Therefore, the theory remains largely theoretical and is not yet supported by empirical evidence.

5. How does the many-worlds interpretation affect our understanding of reality?

The many-worlds interpretation challenges our traditional understanding of reality, as it suggests that there are an infinite number of parallel universes constantly branching off from our own. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, and some philosophers argue that it may be impossible to truly comprehend or prove the existence of these parallel universes.
