Hello. I am curious to learn many world interpretation.
In collapse of state 3/5 |0>+ 4/5 |1> to |0> or |1>, it jumps to |0> with probability 9/25 or to |1> with probability 16/25.
In many world interpretation I assume 9 worlds of |0> and 16 worlds of |1> so total 25 (or its multiple)...
The Hawking-Hartle no boundary condition is well known. The authors considered a many worlds/histories model considering a sum over all compact euclidean metrics.
But are there any models or theories that consider a sum over all possible metrics or boundaries?
And finally, if all possible...
Every second the universe branches into 5000 universes and each of those 5000 universes branches into 5000 more after one more second.
Now, consider an 80 year old person, he has lived close to 80*365*24*60*60 seconds, which is 2.5 Billion seconds. So, in his life time, universe has branched...
I believe that anything is possible. If technology became so advanced, that it was suddenly possible to peer into any of the other worlds (in the infinite number of many worlds suggested by MWI) and see what was happening. What do you think we would see? What technology would be needed? What...
So I've heard of the many worlds interpretation - something about any event that could have happened in the past, really did happen in some parallel universe.
What I want to know is - how does this translate into personal choice?
Like, say I am considering some decision. Tonight for dinner I...
What are some good textbooks dealing with various Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics? I am not asking for popular science books. I have a book called 'Understanding Quantum Mechanics' by Ronald Omens on the consistent histories approach and I am looking for something like that.
Can there be an experiment (even a thought experiment), which could settle the debate CI vs MWI? Now a days many scientists seem to favour MWI. I find it interesting because it perhaps allows time travel (the possibility of an observer going back to his/her own past) while avoiding the...
Hi everybody,
i didn't wanted to create two separate threads so merged them into one.
i got confused watching Brian Green explaining QM on one of his shows.
He compared distribution in double slit experiments with throwing a ball on a roulette.
He said that casino doesn't have to know...
Hello all,
On one forum I found this link:
claiming to demonstrate correctness of Many Wordls interpretation of QM.
On the one hand - seems like well presented arguments.
On the other hand: it claimes to be discovered in 1990,and it seems...
In the Schrödinger cat's experiment if the observer decide not to interact with cat directly by opening the box but rather by bringing the interaction of Geiger counter and radioactive substance to see if the cat's alive then why the de-coherence will occur?
ok...im 14...so i am not expecting anything at all out of this theory...i just wanted to play around with it and see where it could go...
okay my idea first needs an understanding of the divine proportion in the gowth of trees...many of you probably already know this...but just in case...tree...