Is the following correct? (concerns sets and convergence)

In summary, there are two sets A and B in R^2 with specific conditions and there is a question about the convergence of two sequences x_n and y_n in these sets. It is stated that A intersection B is the empty set, and x_n is a sequence in A while y_n is a sequence in B. The discussion then moves to whether or not |x_n - y_n| converges to 0 in this case, and it is clarified that x_n is not actually a sequence in A. The conversation continues with finding a specific example of two non-empty closed sets A and B in R^2 with A intersection B being the empty set, and two sequences x_n and y_n in these sets such that ||
  • #1
Let A = {(x,y) in R^2 | x^2 + y^2 <= 81}
Let B = {((x,y) in R^2 | (x-10)^2 + (y-10)^2 <= 1}

then here "A intersection B" is the empty set.
Then let x_n be the sequence (0,10-(2/n)) which is a sequence in A and y_n be the sequence (10/n,10) which is a sequence in B.
would |x_n - y_n| tend to 0 in this case?
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  • #2
Why do you think xn is a sequence in A? It is not.
  • #3
Is it not? Isn't a sequence in A that converges to a point in A compliment?
  • #4
A sequence in A is a sequence all of whose values are in A. Almost all of the values of xn are not in A.
  • #5
RVP91 said:
Is it not? Isn't a sequence in A that converges to a point in A compliment?

A is a disk with radius 9. The sequence [itex]x_n[/itex] converges to (0,10). So the sequence is not in A.
  • #6
But can't a sequence x_n [itex]\subseteq[/itex] S converge to a point in S compliment?
  • #7
RVP91 said:
But can't a sequence x_n [itex]\subseteq[/itex] S converge to a point in S compliment?

Not if S is closed, no.
  • #8
Oh right I see. Thank you.

Can there exist a pair of non-empty closed sets A,B [itex]\subseteq[/itex] R^2 with A [itex]\cap[/itex] B equals the empty set with a pair of sequences x_n [itex]\subseteq[/itex] A and y_n [itex]\subseteq[/itex] B such that ||x_n - y_n|| -> 0.

I was trying to find a specific example and hence my original thought was my first attempt.
  • #9
Yes, such a thing exists. Take

[tex]A=\{(x,0)~\vert~x\in \mathbb{R}\}[/tex]


[tex]B=\{(x,1/x)~\vert~x\in \mathbb{R}\}[/tex]

(Note the distance between these two sets is 0). Can you find suitable sequences in these sets?
  • #10
Could you explain why the distance between the two sets is 0 please. I thought it was because d|x-y| = (x,0) - (x,1/x) = (0, -1/x) but wasn't sure how this means the distance is 0.

Also I'm finding it hard to grasp the concept of sequences in 2 dimension in the sense of how to represent them but my guess would be,
x_n = (3n, 0) and y_n = (3n, 1/3n) ?
  • #11
The distance between two sets is usually defined as the greater lower bound of the set of distances between 2 points in the sets. In symbols:
d(A,B) = \inf \{d(a,b) : a \in A, b \in B\} \, .
Take a look at this:

So you were right that [itex] d(a,b) = |a-b| = |(x,0) - (x, 1/x)| = |(0,-1/x)| = 1/|x| [/itex]. But now you need to find the greatest lower bound of the set [itex] \{d(a,b) : a \in A, b \in B\} [/itex]. Do you see why it will be zero?
  • #12
Is it because as x gets smaller and tends to -infinity but you take the modulus and so u get limn-> infinity 1/x = 0?

Also were my choices of sequences okay? That is the main issue I am stuck with? I need x_n in A and y_n in B such that ||x_n - y_n|| tends to 0.
I think x_n=(3n,0) and y_n=(3n/1/3n) would work right?
  • #13
Yes, that choice of sequence is a good one!

1. Is there a difference between a set and a sequence?

Yes, there is a difference between a set and a sequence. A set is a collection of distinct objects, while a sequence is an ordered list of objects. In sets, the order of the objects does not matter, while in sequences, the order is important.

2. How can I determine if a set is convergent or divergent?

A set is convergent if all the elements in the set approach a single limit value. This means that as the number of elements in the set increases, the values get closer and closer to the limit value. A set is divergent if the values do not approach a single limit value, and instead, they either increase or decrease infinitely.

3. Can a set have more than one limit value?

No, a set can only have one limit value. If a set has more than one limit value, it is not convergent.

4. What is the difference between a finite and an infinite set?

A finite set is a set that has a limited number of elements, while an infinite set has an unlimited number of elements. This means that a finite set can be counted and its elements can be listed, while an infinite set cannot be counted or listed.

5. How do I know if a sequence is monotonic?

A sequence is monotonic if its terms either always increase or always decrease. This means that the values in the sequence follow a consistent pattern of either always increasing or always decreasing. To determine if a sequence is monotonic, you can plot the values on a graph and see if they follow a consistent trend.

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