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Homework Statement
Hi everyone,
8th grade physics teacher here.
We are doing a handout where we have to identify time-velocity graphs with descriptions. Can you help me with this one?
A) The velocity is increasing at a uniform rate.
B) The velocity is decreasing at a uniform rate.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
At first I thought it was decreasing but then an 8th grade student said 1) the slope is positive and 2) if you continue the line after the x-axis it will be increasing. Also, the Vf is literally higher on the y-axis than Vi.dd
I think the same question could be raised about displacement that is negative but with a positive slope approaching the x-axis. The displacement on the y-axis would be going up, but it is decreasing since it's getting closer to the starting point.
Let me know your thoughts!
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