Is This Reaction Allowed or Forbidden?

  • #1
Homework Statement
Establish whether the following reactions are allowed or not, if it is not, give the reasons
Relevant Equations
Hello everybody!

I have a doubt about a reaction.

$$ p + n \rightarrow \Lambda + \Sigma^+ $$

I have to establish if it is allowed or not.
  • Charge is conserved (1 -> 1)
  • Baryon number is conserved (2 -> 2)
  • Strangeness is not conserved (0 -> -2)
  • Third component of the isospin is not conserved (0 -> 1)
  • Isospin is conserved (1 or 0 -> 1)
  • Angular momentum is conserved (1 or 0 -> 1 or 0)
Since strangeness and the third component of the isospin are not conserved, it is not a strong reaction, and neither an electromagnetic one since the third component of the isospin is not conserved.

My conclusion is that this is a weak allowed reaction. I would like to know if it is correct, because this is not exactly a "typical" weak reaction.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
It is technically allowed but the cross section must be tiny with the strangeness changing by two.
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Likes Aleolomorfo

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