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Hello! Assume I create an atom by some non-state-selective method (e.g. laser ablation, or hitting a proton on a target) and let's say that the atom is in a ##J=1## state. In the absence of magnetic fields, the ##m_J = 0, \pm 1## levels are degenerate. If I am to define arbitrary a z-axis (say along the beamline in which I will study the atom), will the wavefunction of this atom be:
i.e. a coherent superposition of different magnetic sublevels? And will different atoms (usually I generate several in the ##J=1## state) have different a, b and c values?
I know that on average, I expect 1/3 of the atoms in the ##J=1## state in each magnetic substate. So if I am to rotate my frame of reference such that the wavefunction above becomes, say, ##|m_J=0>## will in this frame of reference all the atoms be exactly in one of the states ##|m_J=-1>##, ##|m_J=0>## or ##|m_J=1>## or can there still be some of them in linear superpositions of these basis?
Also, if I am in the initial frame, where I have a linear superposition of substates and I apply a magnetic field (adiabatically such that I don't transfer population) along the current defined z-axis, will the atom still have the same population in each of the (now non-degenerate) magnetic substates? Thank you!
i.e. a coherent superposition of different magnetic sublevels? And will different atoms (usually I generate several in the ##J=1## state) have different a, b and c values?
I know that on average, I expect 1/3 of the atoms in the ##J=1## state in each magnetic substate. So if I am to rotate my frame of reference such that the wavefunction above becomes, say, ##|m_J=0>## will in this frame of reference all the atoms be exactly in one of the states ##|m_J=-1>##, ##|m_J=0>## or ##|m_J=1>## or can there still be some of them in linear superpositions of these basis?
Also, if I am in the initial frame, where I have a linear superposition of substates and I apply a magnetic field (adiabatically such that I don't transfer population) along the current defined z-axis, will the atom still have the same population in each of the (now non-degenerate) magnetic substates? Thank you!