Meaning of "Executive Summary" in this context?

  • Thread starter WWGD
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  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi all,
I am doing a side job, writing an analysis of a healthcare-related paper . I was asked to follow a specific format : Executive Summary, Statement of Problem, Analysis of Situation, Recommended Solution. I have some idea of what an Exec. Summary is in the context of a business plan, but I am not clear on what it may mean in this context of analyzing a paper using this format. Any ideas?
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  • #2
Something like abstract?
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  • #3
WWGD said:
Hi all,
I am doing a side job, writing an analysis of a healthcare-related paper . I was asked to follow a specific format : Executive Summary, Statement of Problem, Analysis of Situation, Recommended Solution. I have some idea of what an Exec. Summary is in the context of a business plan, but I am not clear on what it may mean in this context of analyzing a paper using this format. Any ideas?
When I had to write reports with an "Executive Summary", it meant a VERY BRIEF, simplified problem/solution in a small nutshell. I was told it was usually the only part of my report the executive would be reading. We were told to keep it to a small paragraph, our VP was that bad.

Have you tried googling examples?

As its name suggests, an executive summary summarizes, or reviews the main points of, a longer document or report for a reader that does not have time to read the entire report. An effective executive summary analyzes and summarizes the most important points in the paper or report, and will often make a recommendation based on the analysis. Executive summaries are “stand alone” documents that are almost always read independently of the reports they summarize.
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  • #4
Hi, thanks, yes, but all the examples I found were related to sales or personal pitches or business promotion. Thanks.
  • #5
Evo said:
I was told it was usually the only part of my report the executive would be reading.

Exactly. Write it like that is all that is going to be read by the important decision makers. That's the theme I use when I include an Executive Summary in something I write. :smile:
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  • #6
Executive summaries would explain what was studied, why it was studied, high level summary of results, and probably how it is relevant to the executive/manager reading the report, or how much it would benefit the sponsor of the study - e.g., reduce cost and increase profit, or increase revenue and profit - particularly if it a business case.
  • #7
I think what everyone here has said is correct, the main thing that helps me in doing the things already mentioned here is writing the Executive Summary last.
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