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I've trying to figure out how to convert Keplerian orbits into cartesian orbits to use them as input for my code, however I have unsuccessful in doing so,
I wrote a python script for the orbit transformation, but when I convert the Cartesian values back to Keplerian orbits some of the values are not correct.
Can someone help me as to where I might be going wrong?
Keplerian to Cartesian Code:
Body 1 -
Position vector (ECI): [ 3.62765682 -0.51761685 -6.8840837 ]
Body 1 - Velocity vector (ECI): [-12.87552775 -0.618391 -8.2243369 ]
Body 2 - Position vector (ECI): [-3.62765682 0.51761685 6.8840837 ]
Body 2 - Velocity vector (ECI): [12.87552775 0.618391 8.2243369 ]
Body 3 - Position vector (ECI): [242.06896743 578.86597711 0.76489819]
Body 3 - Velocity vector (ECI): [6.87271722 8.74136245 0.91381521]
Body 1 -
Semi-major axis (a): 8.009610957285123 AU
Body 1 - Eccentricity (e): 0.0897073385555107
Body 1 - Inclination (i): 94.29999998197292 degrees
Body 1 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 180.0 degrees
Body 1 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 164.36973375231568 degrees
Body 1 - Mean anomaly (M): 68.01013414937296 degrees
Body 2 - Semi-major axis (a): 8.009610957285123 AU
Body 2 - Eccentricity (e): 0.0897073385555107
Body 2 - Inclination (i): 94.29999998197292 degrees
Body 2 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 180.0 degrees
Body 2 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 344.36973375231565 degrees
Body 2 - Mean anomaly (M): 68.01013414937296 degrees
Body 3 - Semi-major axis (a): 5875.725418674007 AU
Body 3 - Eccentricity (e): 0.9921561200716326
Body 3 - Inclination (i): 163.11851976707266 degrees
Body 3 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 67.53655968889326 degrees
Body 3 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 210.87719644086638 degrees
Body 3 - Mean anomaly (M): 1.0592958090738662 degrees
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I've trying to figure out how to convert Keplerian orbits into cartesian orbits to use them as input for my code, however I have unsuccessful in doing so,
I wrote a python script for the orbit transformation, but when I convert the Cartesian values back to Keplerian orbits some of the values are not correct.
Can someone help me as to where I might be going wrong?
Keplerian to Cartesian Code:
import numpy as np
# Constants
G = 4 * np.pi**2 # Gravitational constant in AU^3/yr^2/M_sun
# Given parameters
e1 = 0.05
e2 = 0.87
a1 = 8.0 # AU
a2 = 510.0 # AU
M1 = 20.0 # Msun
M2 = 25.0 # Msun
M3 = 1000.0 # Msun
chi1 = 1.0 # assumed to be phase angle or anomaly
chi2 = 1.0 # assumed to be phase angle or anomaly
i1 = np.deg2rad(94.3) # radians
O1 = 0.0 # Longitude of ascending node for binary
O2 = np.pi / 2 # Longitude of ascending node for the third body
# Compute the reduced mass and total mass of the binary
mu1 = G * (M1 + M2) # Gravitational parameter for binary
mu2 = G * (M1 + M2 + M3) # Gravitational parameter for the third body around binary
# Function to convert Keplerian elements to Cartesian coordinates
def keplerian_to_cartesian(a, e, i, Omega, omega, chi, mu):
# Solve Kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly
E = chi
for _ in range(10): # Iterative solution
E = chi + e * np.sin(E)
# True anomaly
sin_nu = np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * np.sin(E) / (1 - e * np.cos(E))
cos_nu = (np.cos(E) - e) / (1 - e * np.cos(E))
nu = np.arctan2(sin_nu, cos_nu)
# Distance
r = a * (1 - e**2) / (1 + e * np.cos(nu))
# Position and velocity in orbital plane
r_pqw = np.array([r * np.cos(nu), r * np.sin(nu), 0])
v_pqw = np.array([-np.sqrt(mu / a) * np.sin(E), np.sqrt(mu / a) * (e + np.cos(E)), 0])
# Rotation matrices
R3_W = np.array([[np.cos(-Omega), -np.sin(-Omega), 0],
[np.sin(-Omega), np.cos(-Omega), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
R1_i = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(-i), -np.sin(-i)],
[0, np.sin(-i), np.cos(-i)]])
R3_w = np.array([[np.cos(-omega), -np.sin(-omega), 0],
[np.sin(-omega), np.cos(-omega), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
# Rotation matrix from PQW to ECI
R = np.dot(R3_W, np.dot(R1_i, R3_w))
# Convert position and velocity vectors
r_eci = np.dot(R, r_pqw)
v_eci = np.dot(R, v_pqw)
return r_eci, v_eci
# Compute positions and velocities of the binary components
r1_eci, v1_eci = keplerian_to_cartesian(a1, e1, i1, O1, 0, chi1, mu1)
r2_eci, v2_eci = keplerian_to_cartesian(a1, e1, i1, O1, np.pi, chi1, mu1)
# Compute position and velocity of the third body
r3_eci, v3_eci = keplerian_to_cartesian(a2, e2, 0, O2, 0, chi2, mu2)
# Adjust for the center of mass of the binary
r_cm = (M1 * r1_eci + M2 * r2_eci) / (M1 + M2)
v_cm = (M1 * v1_eci + M2 * v2_eci) / (M1 + M2)
# Convert third body relative to the binary center of mass
r3_eci += r_cm
v3_eci += v_cm
print("Body 1 - Position vector (ECI):", r1_eci)
print("Body 1 - Velocity vector (ECI):", v1_eci)
print("Body 2 - Position vector (ECI):", r2_eci)
print("Body 2 - Velocity vector (ECI):", v2_eci)
print("Body 3 - Position vector (ECI):", r3_eci)
print("Body 3 - Velocity vector (ECI):", v3_eci)
Body 1 -
Position vector (ECI): [ 3.62765682 -0.51761685 -6.8840837 ]
Body 1 - Velocity vector (ECI): [-12.87552775 -0.618391 -8.2243369 ]
Body 2 - Position vector (ECI): [-3.62765682 0.51761685 6.8840837 ]
Body 2 - Velocity vector (ECI): [12.87552775 0.618391 8.2243369 ]
Body 3 - Position vector (ECI): [242.06896743 578.86597711 0.76489819]
Body 3 - Velocity vector (ECI): [6.87271722 8.74136245 0.91381521]
Cartesian to Keplerian
import numpy as np
def cartesian_to_keplerian(r, v, mu):
Convert Cartesian coordinates to Keplerian elements.
r : Position vector in Cartesian coordinates (numpy array)
v : Velocity vector in Cartesian coordinates (numpy array)
mu : Gravitational parameter (mu = G * M, in AU^3/yr^2)
a : Semi-major axis (in AU)
e : Eccentricity (dimensionless)
i : Inclination (in radians)
Omega : Longitude of the ascending node (in radians)
omega : Argument of periapsis (in radians)
M : Mean anomaly (in radians)
# Compute the specific angular momentum vector and magnitude
h = np.cross(r, v)
h_mag = np.linalg.norm(h)
# Compute the eccentricity vector and magnitude
e_vec = (np.cross(v, h) / mu) - (r / np.linalg.norm(r))
e = np.linalg.norm(e_vec)
# Compute the semi-major axis (a)
r_mag = np.linalg.norm(r)
v_mag = np.linalg.norm(v)
energy = (v_mag**2 / 2) - (mu / r_mag)
a = -mu / (2 * energy)
# Compute the inclination (i)
i = np.arccos(h[2] / h_mag)
# Compute the node line vector (N) and its magnitude
N = np.array([-h[1], h[0], 0])
N_mag = np.linalg.norm(N)
# Compute the longitude of the ascending node (Omega)
if N_mag != 0:
Omega = np.arccos(N[0] / N_mag)
if N[1] < 0:
Omega = 2 * np.pi - Omega
Omega = 0 # Undefined when N_mag is zero
# Compute the argument of periapsis (omega)
if e != 0 and N_mag != 0:
omega = np.arccos(np.dot(N, e_vec) / (N_mag * e))
if e_vec[2] < 0:
omega = 2 * np.pi - omega
omega = 0 # Undefined when e or N_mag is zero
# Compute the true anomaly (nu)
if e != 0:
nu = np.arccos(np.dot(e_vec, r) / (e * r_mag))
if np.dot(r, v) < 0:
nu = 2 * np.pi - nu
nu = 0 # Circular orbit
# Compute the eccentric anomaly (E)
cos_E = (e + np.cos(nu)) / (1 + e * np.cos(nu))
sin_E = np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * np.sin(nu) / (1 + e * np.cos(nu))
E = np.arctan2(sin_E, cos_E)
# Compute the mean anomaly (M)
M = E - e * np.sin(E)
return a, e, i, Omega, omega, M
# Constants
G = 4 * np.pi**2 # Gravitational constant in AU^3/yr^2/M_sun
# Given parameters for bodies
M1 = 20.0 # Msun
M2 = 25.0 # Msun
M3 = 1000.0 # Msun
# Mu values
mu1 = G * (M1 + M2) # Gravitational parameter for binary (Body 1 and 2)
mu2 = G * (M1 + M2 + M3) # Gravitational parameter for the third body (Body 3)
# Cartesian coordinates for Body 1
r1_eci = np.array([3.62765682, -0.51761685, -6.8840837])
v1_eci = np.array([-12.87552775, -0.618391, -8.2243369])
# Cartesian coordinates for Body 2
r2_eci = np.array([-3.62765682, 0.51761685, 6.8840837])
v2_eci = np.array([12.87552775, 0.618391, 8.2243369])
# Cartesian coordinates for Body 3
r3_eci = np.array([242.06896743, 578.86597711, 0.76489819])
v3_eci = np.array([6.87271722, 8.74136245, 0.91381521])
# Convert Cartesian coordinates to Keplerian elements for each body
a1, e1, i1, Omega1, omega1, M1 = cartesian_to_keplerian(r1_eci, v1_eci, mu1)
a2, e2, i2, Omega2, omega2, M2 = cartesian_to_keplerian(r2_eci, v2_eci, mu1) # Same mu for binary
a3, e3, i3, Omega3, omega3, M3 = cartesian_to_keplerian(r3_eci, v3_eci, mu2)
print("Body 1 - Semi-major axis (a):", a1, "AU")
print("Body 1 - Eccentricity (e):", e1)
print("Body 1 - Inclination (i):", np.rad2deg(i1), "degrees")
print("Body 1 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega):", np.rad2deg(Omega1), "degrees")
print("Body 1 - Argument of periapsis (omega):", np.rad2deg(omega1), "degrees")
print("Body 1 - Mean anomaly (M):", np.rad2deg(M1), "degrees")
print("\nBody 2 - Semi-major axis (a):", a2, "AU")
print("Body 2 - Eccentricity (e):", e2)
print("Body 2 - Inclination (i):", np.rad2deg(i2), "degrees")
print("Body 2 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega):", np.rad2deg(Omega2), "degrees")
print("Body 2 - Argument of periapsis (omega):", np.rad2deg(omega2), "degrees")
print("Body 2 - Mean anomaly (M):", np.rad2deg(M2), "degrees")
print("\nBody 3 - Semi-major axis (a):", a3, "AU")
print("Body 3 - Eccentricity (e):", e3)
print("Body 3 - Inclination (i):", np.rad2deg(i3), "degrees")
print("Body 3 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega):", np.rad2deg(Omega3), "degrees")
print("Body 3 - Argument of periapsis (omega):", np.rad2deg(omega3), "degrees")
print("Body 3 - Mean anomaly (M):", np.rad2deg(M3), "degrees")
Body 1 -
Semi-major axis (a): 8.009610957285123 AU
Body 1 - Eccentricity (e): 0.0897073385555107
Body 1 - Inclination (i): 94.29999998197292 degrees
Body 1 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 180.0 degrees
Body 1 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 164.36973375231568 degrees
Body 1 - Mean anomaly (M): 68.01013414937296 degrees
Body 2 - Semi-major axis (a): 8.009610957285123 AU
Body 2 - Eccentricity (e): 0.0897073385555107
Body 2 - Inclination (i): 94.29999998197292 degrees
Body 2 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 180.0 degrees
Body 2 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 344.36973375231565 degrees
Body 2 - Mean anomaly (M): 68.01013414937296 degrees
Body 3 - Semi-major axis (a): 5875.725418674007 AU
Body 3 - Eccentricity (e): 0.9921561200716326
Body 3 - Inclination (i): 163.11851976707266 degrees
Body 3 - Longitude of the ascending node (Omega): 67.53655968889326 degrees
Body 3 - Argument of periapsis (omega): 210.87719644086638 degrees
Body 3 - Mean anomaly (M): 1.0592958090738662 degrees
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