Nonlinear backstepping method and Lyapunov theory

  • #1
Hi Everybody,

I have just finished the control systems components of the engineering degree and found it very enjoyable. I'm now undertaking a holiday project to create a quad rotor aircraft. There is a surprising amount of information on these aircraft on the internet and while most of it is over my head I am very interested in learning from it and understanding the material.

To this end I would like to konw if anyone has any sources that can explain the backstepping method for nonlinear control design?? Lyapunov theory explanations are also required and they seem to be part of the backstepping method.

Any links or explanations you could provide would be extremely useful. I need to understand the method behind creating a controller for a non-linear system based on the backstepping method and by using Lyapunov theory.

Thanks for your help
Mike Berg
Engineering news on
  • #2
quadrotor said:
Hi Everybody,
I have just finished the control systems components of the engineering degree and found it very enjoyable. I'm now undertaking a holiday project to create a quad rotor aircraft. There is a surprising amount of information on these aircraft on the internet and while most of it is over my head I am very interested in learning from it and understanding the material.
To this end I would like to konw if anyone has any sources that can explain the backstepping method for nonlinear control design?? Lyapunov theory explanations are also required and they seem to be part of the backstepping method.
Any links or explanations you could provide would be extremely useful. I need to understand the method behind creating a controller for a non-linear system based on the backstepping method and by using Lyapunov theory.
Thanks for your help
Mike Berg
I'm vaguely familiar with Lyapunov methods, which can be used to make statements about the stability of nonlinear systems. Never head of backstepping though. Probably because I'm not a controls person.
  • #3
Need help with Backstepping as well!

Hi all,

I'm doing a thesis on nonlinear vibration control via a magnetic thrust bearing actuator. I also need to know how to design a controller via the backstepping principle. I'm reading "nonlinear systems" by Khalil but the maths is quite full on and finding it hard to understand. Does anybody know other resources on this topic that are somewhat easier to understand?

I also need to find information to model my magnetic bearing. Anyone know some good resources?


  • #4
If you still need some help on backstepping I can suggest you some links.
