Path between fixed points in a logistic map

In summary, the conversation discusses the properties of fixed points and period doubling in the logistic map. It is stated that in a 4-cycle with four different fixed points, applying the function twice to a fixed point always takes one to the nearest neighbour. This property can also be extended to the general n-cycle case. The speaker is confused about why this is true and is seeking clarification.
  • #1

I have a question about period doubling and fixed points in the logistic map. Let's say I have a basic logistic map, ##f(x) = 4\lambda x(1-x)##. Let me then compare 1,2 and 4 iterations of this map on fixed points. I assume that ##\lambda## is large enough such that two period doublings have occured, and a 4-cycle exists.

Now if ##\bar{x}## represents a fixed point for ##f^4(x)## (4 iterations of the map), then we have by definition, $$f(\bar{x}) = \bar{x}.$$ Obviously from this it follows that applying the function ##f^2(\bar{x})## twice should also take one back to point ##\bar{x}##, however this is where my confusion comes in. We are in a 4 cycle, so 4 different fixed points relative to $f^4$ exist. Let's call the fixed points closest to ##\bar{x}## (nearest neighbour) ##\bar{x}'##.

My lecture notes state that, ##f^2(\bar{x}) = \bar{x}'##. In other words, applying the map twice to a fixed point always takes one to the nearest neighbour. It is stated that this can also be extended to the general n-cycle case, where one would have, ##\bar{x}' = f^{2^{n-1}}(\bar{x})##.

I do not understand why these properties are true. There are 4 different fixed points, and I don't see why the path through these different points has to follow this form, since as I understand it all these points are practically equivalent. Why if I apply ##f^2## can't I go to a different point further away?

I suppose there is some connection between the nearest neighbours ##\bar{x}## and ##\bar{x}'##, but I am just not seeing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Decimal said:

I have a question about period doubling and fixed points in the logistic map. Let's say I have a basic logistic map, ##f(x) = 4\lambda x(1-x)##. Let me then compare 1,2 and 4 iterations of this map on fixed points. I assume that ##\lambda## is large enough such that two period doublings have occured, and a 4-cycle exists.

Now if ##\bar{x}## represents a fixed point for ##f^4(x)## (4 iterations of the map), then we have by definition, $$f(\bar{x}) = \bar{x}.$$
Wouldn't ##\bar x## be a fixed point for ##f^4##? If ##\bar x## is a fixed point for ##f^4##, then it should be the case that ##f^4(\bar x) = \bar x##.
Decimal said:
Obviously from this it follows that applying the function ##f^2(\bar{x})## twice should also take one back to point ##\bar{x}##, however this is where my confusion comes in. We are in a 4 cycle, so 4 different fixed points relative to $f^4$ exist. Let's call the fixed points closest to ##\bar{x}## (nearest neighbour) ##\bar{x}'##.

My lecture notes state that, ##f^2(\bar{x}) = \bar{x}'##. In other words, applying the map twice to a fixed point always takes one to the nearest neighbour. It is stated that this can also be extended to the general n-cycle case, where one would have, ##\bar{x}' = f^{2^{n-1}}(\bar{x})##.

I do not understand why these properties are true. There are 4 different fixed points, and I don't see why the path through these different points has to follow this form, since as I understand it all these points are practically equivalent. Why if I apply ##f^2## can't I go to a different point further away?

I suppose there is some connection between the nearest neighbours ##\bar{x}## and ##\bar{x}'##, but I am just not seeing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

FAQ: Path between fixed points in a logistic map

What is a logistic map?

A logistic map is a mathematical function that is used to model population growth or decay. It is a discrete-time dynamical system that shows how a population changes over time, taking into account factors such as birth rate, death rate, and carrying capacity.

What are fixed points in a logistic map?

Fixed points in a logistic map are values at which the population remains constant. In other words, they are points where the population growth rate is zero. These points can be stable, meaning the population will tend towards them, or unstable, meaning the population will move away from them.

How are fixed points calculated in a logistic map?

The fixed points in a logistic map can be calculated by setting the population growth rate equal to zero and solving for the population value. This can be done analytically or graphically by plotting the logistic map function and finding the points where the function intersects with the line y = x.

What is the significance of the path between fixed points in a logistic map?

The path between fixed points in a logistic map represents the behavior of the population over time. It shows how the population changes from one fixed point to another, either approaching a stable fixed point or oscillating between two or more fixed points. This path can provide insights into the stability and dynamics of the population.

How does the path between fixed points change with different parameters in a logistic map?

The path between fixed points in a logistic map can change significantly with different parameters, such as the initial population value, growth rate, and carrying capacity. These changes can result in different patterns of population growth, including stable or chaotic behavior. Studying the effects of different parameters on the path between fixed points can help us understand the behavior of complex systems in nature.

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