Peano axioms for natural numbers - prove 0.5 ∉ N

In summary, the author's reasoning is that 0.5 does not satisfy the axioms, hence is not a natural number. Therefore, the statements you listed are equivalent if you take P(x) being "x∈N".
  • #1
i am studying real analysis from terence tao lecture notes for analysis I.

from what i understand , property is just like any other statement. for example P(0.5) is P(0) with the 0s replaced with 0.5 . so the notes says (assumes ?),

##P(0.5)\textrm{ is unprovable}\Rightarrow0.5\notin N##

i mean its alright to assume something like but i just want to make sure that what i understood is correct. if it is why not just assume something like this,
##0.5\in N\textrm{ is unprovable}\Rightarrow0.5\notin N##

but i might be wrong, so in that case could you prove 0.5 ∉ N.

thank you
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  • #2
Since you did not give a page number, I cannot tell what property P you are referring to, but I would presume that P(x) is something like x =0 [itex]\vee[/itex][itex]\exists[/itex]y (y[itex]\in[/itex]N [itex]\wedge[/itex] x=y+1).

Before I answer the question further, please tell me what P(.) is.
  • #3
  • #4
OK, all clear: P is simply the variable in the axiom of induction, which can be seen formally here: (Note that this does not require the domain of P to be N; it can only prove P for non-negative integers.) He omits a statement (or leaves it implicit) that "this is all the natural numbers": that is, if a number does not satisfy all the axioms, then it is not a natural number. (Here I follow the convention that 0 is included in the set of natural numbers. Some places don't, and just call N the set of non-negative integers.) So the author's reasoning is basically that 0.5 does not satisfy the axioms, hence is not a natural number. Therefore, the statements you listed are equivalent if you take P(x) being "x[itex]\in[/itex]N".
  • #5
nomadreid said:
Therefore, the statements you listed are equivalent if you take P(x) being "x∈N".

i was following alright until this. do you mean this is correct,
##P(x)\textrm{ is unprovable for }x\in N\Rightarrow x\notin N##
but then P(x) would never be unprovable (hence redundant) because ##P(x)## is true for ##x\in N##.
why would x∈N assumed as condition ? would not this require N to be known.

please clarify.
  • #6
Remember my parenthetical remark that x does not have to be in N. You have introduced "[itex]\in[/itex]"N where it wasn't before. That is, you had two statements
P(0.5) is unprovable⇒0.5∉N
0.5∈N is unprovable⇒0.5∉N
This latter quote is an instance of the addition that I mentioned was implicit,
"this is all the natural numbers".
and hence not surprising.
I suggested
take P(x) being "x∈N".
Applying (4) to (2), (2) morphs into (1). (And, of course, the contrary.) That's what I meant by the equivalence.
Applying (4) to your new statement
P(x) is unprovable for x∈N⇒x∉N
would give
(x∈N is unprovable for x∈N)⇒x∉N
which is a completely different statement, and would take us into that interesting area about true but unprovable statements... to quote from The Never-Ending Story (a good title for mathematics), "But that is another story and shall be told another time."
  • #7
got it, thanks

FAQ: Peano axioms for natural numbers - prove 0.5 ∉ N

How do the Peano axioms define natural numbers?

The Peano axioms are a set of five axioms that define the natural numbers. These axioms state that: 1) 0 is a natural number, 2) every natural number has a unique successor, 3) 0 is not the successor of any natural number, 4) if two natural numbers have the same successor, then they are equal, and 5) any property that holds for 0 and its successor also holds for all natural numbers.

What does it mean for a number to be in the set of natural numbers?

A number being in the set of natural numbers, denoted by N, means that it satisfies the Peano axioms. This means that it is a non-negative integer that can be reached by starting at 0 and repeatedly adding 1.

How do we prove that 0.5 is not a natural number?

In order to prove that 0.5 is not a natural number, we can use the Peano axioms to show that it does not satisfy the criteria for being a natural number. Since one of the axioms states that 0 is not the successor of any natural number, and 0.5 is not a whole number, it cannot be the successor of any natural number. Therefore, 0.5 does not fit the definition of a natural number and is not a member of the set N.

Can we use the Peano axioms to prove that 0.5 is not a natural number?

Yes, the Peano axioms can be used to prove that 0.5 is not a natural number. As mentioned before, one of the axioms states that 0 is not the successor of any natural number. Since 0.5 is not a whole number, it cannot be the successor of any natural number, and therefore does not satisfy the Peano axioms for natural numbers.

Why is it important to prove that 0.5 is not a natural number?

Proving that 0.5 is not a natural number is important because it helps us to clearly define the set of natural numbers and understand their properties. It also allows us to distinguish between different types of numbers, such as natural numbers and rational numbers, and understand how they relate to each other. This can be useful in various mathematical and scientific applications.
