Plane falling from air, mechanical physics, need push in right direction

  • #1

That is the problem that I am trying to solve. It is simply a practice question but I want to make sure that I am doing things right and that I am prepared. I understand the concept of this problem and have modeled the problem on paper with triangles. I just don't understand where to get started. I am sorry if this is vague, but even the smallest hint will probably help because I have done this work before two years ago in high school, but I am at university now with a mediocre lecturer and unfortunately some of the material isn't clicking like it should.

Thanks for any replies!
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  • #2
It may help to make a diagram with all the known forces acting on the CG of the plane and to consider what happens when the plane is in steady (non-accelerated) flight.

The problem text seems to introduce one or more simplifications over the usual definitions in aerodynamics, so be careful if you refer to a textbook in aerodynamics.