Pressure in chambers of the heart

In summary, the purpose of pressure in chambers of the heart is to push blood through the circulatory system and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body. The pressure is measured using a catheter and a healthy resting pressure is around 120/80 mmHg for the left ventricle and 25/8 mmHg for the right ventricle. If the pressure is too high, it can indicate hypertension and increase the risk of health problems. On the other hand, if the pressure is too low, it can lead to symptoms of hypotension due to inadequate blood flow.
  • #1
I'm looking for a info source containing systolic,diastolic/mean pressure in all four chambers of the heart.

also, what does a mean pressure in a heart chamber even mean? Do the left and right atria not have systolic and diastolic pressure?
Biology news on
  • #3
Doug Huffman said:

I don't understand that diagram. how come there is only left atrial and ventricular pressure portrayed? what about the right atrium and right ventricle? also, where is diastole and systole on the diagram?