Quantum Mechanics hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the general properties of eigenvectors of Hermitian operators, particularly in relation to state functions and ket notation in quantum mechanics. The focus is on the orthogonality of angular momentum states, with the Hermitian operator Lz being used as an example. The conversation also shows that the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are real and that two eigenstates with different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
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Homework Statement
How to show that eigenvalues of 3p state of a hydrogen atom are perpendicular to each other?
Relevant Equations
I am not sure if this solution is correct
This is a general property of eigenvectors of Hermitian operators. State functions are a particular class of vector, and it is easiest to work in the general formalism (I am hoping to show how ket notation makes qm easier, not just do standard bookwork at this level). Suppose O is a Hermitian operator with eigenvalues k and l with k≠l corresponding to eigenstates |k⟩ and |l⟩


For the present case, we are interested in the orthogonality of angular momentum states, so O can be taken to be Lz, but the principle is completely general.

Act on https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547478/how-to-show-that-eigenfunctions-of-3p-state-of-a-hydrogen-atom-are-perpendicular#mjx-eqn-eq1 with ⟨k|


It follows at once that k is real (as are all eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator). Act on https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547478/how-to-show-that-eigenfunctions-of-3p-state-of-a-hydrogen-atom-are-perpendicular#mjx-eqn-eq2 with ⟨k|


Take the complex conjugate


Act on https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547478/how-to-show-that-eigenfunctions-of-3p-state-of-a-hydrogen-atom-are-perpendicular#mjx-eqn-eq1 with ⟨l|⟨l|O|k⟩=k⟨l|k⟩(4)

Subtract https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547478/how-to-show-that-eigenfunctions-of-3p-state-of-a-hydrogen-atom-are-perpendicular#mjx-eqn-eq3 from https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547478/how-to-show-that-eigenfunctions-of-3p-state-of-a-hydrogen-atom-are-perpendicular#mjx-eqn-eq4


Since k≠l, |k⟩ and |l⟩ are orthogonal (not perpendicular, that applies to ordinary 3-vectors).
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Looks good to me.
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FAQ: Quantum Mechanics hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem

What is the significance of the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem in quantum mechanics?

The hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem is an essential part of quantum mechanics as it allows us to understand the behavior and properties of the hydrogen atom, which is the simplest and most well-studied atom in the universe. It also provides a foundation for understanding more complex systems and serves as a basis for many other quantum mechanical calculations.

What is an eigenfunction in the context of the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem?

An eigenfunction is a mathematical function that describes the behavior of a physical system, such as the hydrogen atom. In the context of the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem, it is a function that satisfies the Schrödinger equation and represents a possible energy state of the atom.

How is the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem solved?

The hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem is typically solved using analytical techniques, such as the separation of variables method, which involves separating the wavefunction into radial and angular components. This allows us to solve for the eigenfunctions, which are expressed as a combination of spherical harmonics and exponential functions.

What is the significance of the eigenvalues in the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem?

The eigenvalues in the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem represent the allowed energy states of the atom. These values correspond to the different energy levels of the atom, and the difference between them determines the energy of the emitted or absorbed photon when the atom transitions between states.

How does the hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem relate to the uncertainty principle?

The hydrogen atom eigenfunction problem is closely related to the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. In the context of the hydrogen atom, the eigenfunctions represent the probability distribution of the electron's position and momentum, and the uncertainty principle helps us understand the limitations of our knowledge about the atom's behavior.
