Relationship between flow and pressure in a valve

In summary, the pressure-voltage relationship is not linear. The flow rate increases linearly with the voltage applied to the valve, but the pressure does not increase the same way as ##\frac{K_v}{K_{vs}}##. My questions to this are as follows:1. What is actually plotted in the first plot? Does this ##\frac{K_v}{K_{vs}}## correspond to orifice size? In this case, I am correct to say that the flow rate increases linearly with the voltage applied to the valve?2. Why do I get the pressure-voltage relationship as show in the second curve? What would be the mathematical relationship describing this behaviour?
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I am trying to identify the relationship between pressure and flow in a proportional valve, considering the flow conditions.

I have a valve which is connected to a pipe on both sides. I measure the pressure upstream of the valve. Downstream of the valve is a screw pump. I control my valve using an analog voltage input between 0 and 10 volts. According to the datasheet, the relationship between the analog input and ##\frac{K_v}{K_{vs}}## is as follows.

I also plotted the relationship between the voltage and the pressure upstream of the valve and got the following curve


As visible, the pressure does not increase the same way as ##\frac{K_v}{K_{vs}}##. My questions to this are as follows:

1. What is actually plotted in the first plot? Does this ##\frac{K_v}{K_{vs}}## correspond to orifice size? In this case, I am correct to say that the flow rate increases linearly with the voltage applied to the valve?
2. Why do I get the pressure-voltage relationship as show in the second curve? What would be the mathematical relationship describing this behaviour?

I have already had a few thoughts, however I could not recreate the behaviour of the second graph. I think I must calculate the ##K_{vs}## value for each specific pressure drop. However, I only know the pressure drop (as I measure it) but I do not know the flow rate. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
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Engineering news on
  • #2
MaHo12345 said:
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
There are still too many possibilities.

What is the fluid. Hydraulic or pneumatic, liquid or gas ?

Why does a positive displacement pump follow a proportional valve ?
Or have we got that backwards ?

I would expect the flow rate to be determined by the pump.
What is the source of fluid to the valve inlet ?

Can you please give a link to the proportional valve data sheet.
  • #3
The fluid is air at room temperature. The pressure is negative (i.e. below atmosphere), that is why the scroll pump is connected downstream. As I understand, the flow decreases as the valve is closed (since it is not a hydraulic positive displacement pump with flow independent of pressure)

Source is atmosphere.

Link to the valve.
  • #4
MaHo12345 said:
I also plotted the relationship between the voltage and the pressure upstream of the valve and got the following curve
The pressure upstream of the valve should be atmospheric pressure, less the pressure drop in the inlet filter and pipe, something that has not yet been specified.
  • #5
Section 6, on page 7 (of the English data sheet) gives the meaning of K as the flow coefficient. Q is the flow.
  • #6
Sorry, let me specify:
The entire setup is (from upstream to downstream):
1. Inlet at atmospheric conditions
2. Needle valve set such that the pressure is 16 mbar(abs) when proportional valve (3) is fully opened
3. Proportional valve, controlled with 0-10V DC
4. Scroll pump
5. Outlet at atmospheric conditions

So i started from the forumla in the data sheet which is

$$K_\mathrm{v} = \frac {Q_\mathrm{N}} {514} \cdot \sqrt {\frac {T_1 \rho_\mathrm{N}} {p_2 \cdot \Delta p} }$$

for the sub-critical case. I used the following values:
##Q_\mathrm{N}=2 \frac {\mathrm{l}}{\mathrm{min}} = 0.12 \frac {\mathrm{m^3}}{\mathrm{s}}, \ \rho_\mathrm{N}=1.293 \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{m^3}}, T_1 = 298 \ \mathrm{K}, p_2 = 0.016 \ \mathrm{bar}## and for ##\Delta p = p_1-p_2## I inserted the measured values for ##p_1##. For some pressure values I also considered the supercritical case, as indicated in the data sheet.

This left me with the following curve, which is not at all linear as I think it should be:
## K_\mathrm{vs} = 0.320 \frac {m^3}{h} ## (water) for this particular valve.
K_v voltage.PNG

PS: I noticed that the x-axis with the voltage in the original post was wrong, I revised this now.
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FAQ: Relationship between flow and pressure in a valve

What is the relationship between flow and pressure in a valve?

The relationship between flow and pressure in a valve is known as the flow coefficient, or Cv. This coefficient represents the amount of flow that can pass through a valve at a given pressure drop. In general, as pressure increases, flow decreases, and vice versa.

How does a valve affect flow and pressure in a system?

A valve plays a crucial role in regulating the flow and pressure in a system. By adjusting the valve opening, the flow rate can be increased or decreased, which in turn affects the pressure. A valve can also create a pressure drop, which can be used to control the flow rate.

What factors influence the relationship between flow and pressure in a valve?

The relationship between flow and pressure in a valve is influenced by several factors, including the type of valve, the size of the valve, the fluid properties, and the system conditions. For example, a larger valve size will generally result in a higher flow rate at a given pressure drop.

How is the relationship between flow and pressure in a valve measured?

The relationship between flow and pressure in a valve is typically measured by conducting flow tests and pressure tests. These tests involve varying the valve opening and measuring the resulting flow rate and pressure drop. The results are then used to calculate the Cv value for the valve.

What is the significance of understanding the relationship between flow and pressure in a valve?

Understanding the relationship between flow and pressure in a valve is crucial for designing and operating efficient and effective systems. It allows engineers to select the appropriate valve size and type for a given application and to optimize the flow and pressure within a system. It also helps in troubleshooting and diagnosing any issues that may arise in a system.

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