Removing "Thingy" from my Taskbar

  • Thread starter WWGD
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  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
Want to remove a system entity from my Taskbar, but don't know its name.
Hi All,
Trying to remove the entity in the right half of the screenn from my Taskbar : ( Post continues below pic)


Problem is I don't know it's name. Anyone? If you can help me 3D-Print the car on top, even better ;).
Edit: I've checked Taskbar Settings , where its not listed; right-clicked on it, which does not give me the option to close it/remove it.
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  • #2
It's called spam :wink:

Actually its not clear what it is - possibly "Widgets"; you can turn this off in Taskbar Settings. Or it might be some app; right click on it and select "remove from taskbar".
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  • #3
pbuk said:
It's called spam :wink:

Actually its not clear what it is - possibly "Widgets"; you can turn this off in Taskbar Settings. Or it might be some app; right click on it and select "remove from taskbar".
I've tried. I've gone into settings/Taskbar, I don't see anything resembling it mentioned. Right-clicking on the image doesn't give me anything either.
Edit: I'll irewrite my original to nclude whst I've tried so far.
  • #4
How are we supposed to tell what you're talking about? Can't you do a print screen and circle it?

Is it that little icon that looks like an umbrella and says "rain"?

Is that the Windows Weather app? Have you tried looking in the Taskbar settings for it?
  • #5
WWGD said:
right-clicked on it, which does not give me the option to close it/remove it.
That sounds exactly like Widgets which you can turn off in Taskbar Setttings.
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  • #6
pbuk said:
Actually its not clear what it is
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  • #7
right click taskbar->news and interests->turn off
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Likes symbolipoint, WWGD and pbuk
  • #8
russ_watters said:
right click taskbar->news and interests->turn off
Oh yes, news and interests in Win10, widgets in Win11.
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Likes WWGD and russ_watters
  • #9
Thanks All,
It came down to r-clicking on the Taskbar, selecting "

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  • #10
Well done. Next thing to look up is how to snip a rectangle instead of the whole screen :smile:
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Likes robphy, russ_watters and WWGD
  • #11
pbuk said:
Well done. Next thing to look up is how to snip a rectangle instead of the whole screen :smile:
My Paint program is the basic one that comes from Windows, and its not too flexible; copied the entire web page, including tabs. I ended up using my phone camera, sent it to my PC, and copied it into PF.
  • #12
WWGD said:
My Paint program is the basic one that comes from Windows, and its not too flexible; copied the entire web page, including tabs. I ended up using my phone camera, sent it to my PC, and copied it into PF.
Don't need Paint.


3: Ctrl-V directly into PF editor.
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  • #13
DaveC426913 said:
Don't need Paint.
View attachment 315043
View attachment 315044
3: Ctrl-V directly into editor.
Thanks. Id had a sort of electronic curse, where my desktop background had randomly changed colors to where I could barely see the screen, then the icons in my Taskbar were so huge I couldn't r-click, as there was no open space to do so, all among other fun surprises.
  • #14
Next lesson: Hiding bookmarks before taking screen grabs.

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  • #15
DaveC426913 said:
Next lesson: Hiding bookmarks before taking screen grabs.
Thank you. I had pasted the wrong pic. Now fixed.
  • #16
But I worked so hard on post 14... :(
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  • #18
russ_watters said:
Also, windows key+shift+s
How long has that existed??
  • #19
DaveC426913 said:
How long has that existed??
Since Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703), public release in 2017 I believe.
  • #20
I think it is the Microsoft Start app. Try right-click on the task bar, select or hover over "News and interests", select "Turn off". That made mine go away.
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  • #21
WWGD said:
My Paint program is the basic one that comes from Windows, and its not too flexible; copied the entire web page, including tabs. I ended up using my phone camera, sent it to my PC, and copied it into PF.
Find and learn to use "Snipping Tool" or "Snip & Sketch". Much neater than trying to use MS Paint!

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