Right Hand Rule for Magnetic Forces.

  • #1
Alameen Damer

Homework Statement

A particle travels 27 degrees to the y axis, a magnetic field travels parallel to the y axis. In which direction is the magnetic force.

Homework Equations

Thumb=direction of q
Fingers=direction of field
palm=direction of force

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically how do I use the right hand rule when there is an angle involved. Do i tilt my thumb or something?
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  • #2
The right word to describe the direction of the field is not "travels" as it can be confused as a traveling electromagnetic field, you can use "aligned" or "directed" instead. Using the picture above, when the charged particle's velocity vector forms certain angle with the field, you simply adjust the opening between your thumb and pointing finger such that they form the angle in the actual problem.