S-matrix element for forward scattering and amputed green fu

In summary, Weinberg discusses the S-matrix element for forward scattering in the lab frame of a massless boson on an arbitrary target, using the LSZ theorem and Eq(10.3.4). He chooses the operators A and A† and includes a normalization factor of |N|² in the denominator. He also uses the equal-time canonical commutators to determine the normalization factor for the free fields, which includes a factor of 1/(2ω) for plane-wave functions. Weinberg then modifies this normalization by multiplying it with N, which is taken into account when doing perturbation theory and dressing external legs with self-energy insertions.
  • #1
I'm studying dispersion relations applied as alternative method to perturbation theory from Weinberg's book (Vol.1)

Let's consider the forward scattering in the lab frame of a massless boson of any spin on an arbitrary target ##\alpha## of mass ##m_\alpha>0## and ##\vec{p}_\alpha = 0##.
Weinberg writes "By a repeated use of Eq(10.3.4) or the LSZ theorem, the S-Matrix element here is

## S = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{4k^0k'^0}|N|^2}lim_{k^2\rightarrow 0}lim_{k'^2\rightarrow 0} \int d^4x d^4 y e^{-ik'y + ikx}(i\Box_y)(i\Box_x)<\alpha | T\left( A^\dagger(y) A(x) \right) |\alpha>, ##

where ##<VAC| A(x) |k> = (2\pi)^{-3/2} (2\omega)^{-1/2}N e^{ikx}##.I have several questions on this formula:

1. Since he discussed the Green function for a ##T##-product of generals operators; why did he choose ##A^\dagger## and ##A## in this case?

2. Where does the factor ##|N|^2## in the denominator come from? Why in the denominator?

3. Why does he talk about LSZ theorem? This S-matrix element seems the usual I get if I take the amputated Green function and I put the in/out coming particles on-shell, expect for the ##|N|^2## factor (I think the answer relies on this renormalization factor, but I don't understand why)

4. Once he choose this renormalization ##<VAC| A_l(x)|\vec{q}_1,\sigma> =(2\pi)^{-3/2}N e^{ikx} u_l(q_1,\sigma)## (eq. 10.3.3). Why now can he change the renormalization adding the ##(2\omega)^{-1/2}## factor?
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  • #2
The Feynman rules for S-matrix elements regarding the external lines (truncate the external legs from the propagator functions and dress them with asymptotic-free wave functions) originates from the LSZ-reduction theorem.

The normalization factor for the free fields results from the equal-time canonical commutators for the fields. For a scalar field you have
$$[\hat{\phi}(t,\vec{x}),\dot{\hat{\phi}}^{\dagger}(t,\vec{y})]=\mathrm{i} \delta^{(3)}(\vec{x}-\vec{y}).$$
For plane-wave (momentum-eigen) functions the time derivative is where the ##1/(2 \omega)## factor comes from.

Weinberg multiplies this with ##N##, which you have to take into account when you do perturbation theory and dress your external legs with self-energy insertions. Depending on your renormalization scheme you might have to compensate the corresponding wave-function renromalization factors in the asymptotic free fields.

FAQ: S-matrix element for forward scattering and amputed green fu

What is the S-matrix element for forward scattering?

The S-matrix element for forward scattering is a fundamental quantity in quantum field theory that describes the probability amplitude for a scattering process to occur in which the initial particles are scattered into a final state with the same momentum. It is given by the matrix element of the time evolution operator between the initial and final states.

What does "amputed" mean in the context of the S-matrix element?

In this context, "amputed" means that the external lines (representing the incoming and outgoing particles) of the S-matrix element have been removed, leaving only the internal lines that represent the interactions between the particles. This is done in order to simplify calculations and eliminate divergences that arise in the full S-matrix element.

How is the S-matrix element for forward scattering related to the scattering amplitude?

The scattering amplitude is related to the S-matrix element by a mathematical formula called the LSZ reduction formula. This formula allows us to calculate the scattering amplitude from the S-matrix element by taking into account the momenta and spins of the particles involved in the scattering process.

What is the significance of the S-matrix element for forward scattering?

The S-matrix element for forward scattering is significant because it allows us to calculate the probability of a scattering process occurring in a quantum field theory. It is also a key quantity in understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions, and in making predictions about the outcomes of experiments.

What is the "green fu" in the term "amputed green fu"?

The "green fu" in this context refers to the Green's function or propagator, which is a mathematical object that describes the propagation of a particle in quantum field theory. In the context of the S-matrix element, the amputed green fu refers to the propagator that has been modified by removing the external lines, as described in question 2.

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