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Homework Statement
(1) Which of the following clusters of orbitals would form the shape shown here http://session.masteringchemistry.com/problemAsset/1076900/19/1076900b.jpg and would also be possible within the valence shell of an atom?
a.) one d orbital
b.) five d orbitals
c.) five sp^3 orbitals
d.) five sp^3d orbitals
e.) five sp^3d^2 orbitals
f.) two sp orbitals and three sp^2 orbitals
g.) three sp^2 orbitals and two p orbitals
h.) three sp^2 orbitals and one p orbital
(2) Which of the following clusters of orbitals would form the shape shown here http://session.masteringchemistry.com/problemAsset/1076900/19/1076900a.jpg and would also be possible within the valence shell of an atom?
a.) two sp orbitals and two p orbitals
b.) two sp orbitals and four p orbitals
c.) one sp orbital and two p orbitals
d.) six sp^3 orbitals
e.) three p orbitals
f.) six sp^3d^2 orbitals
g.) six sp^3d orbitals
h.) three sp orbitals
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
(1) I'm pretty certain than sp^3d is one of them, but I can't recognize any other and it says that there is more...help?
(2) Again, I'm almost positive that sp^3d^2 is one of them but I can't recognize any other. Thanks in advance!