Ochem - linear combination of atomic orbitals

LCAO representation for C2H2O and an explanation of how it is formed. In summary, the LCAO representation for C2H2O includes a linear combination of atomic orbitals for the double bonds between carbon-carbon and carbon-oxygen, as well as the lone pairs on the oxygen atom. This is achieved by combining the appropriate hybrid orbitals for each atom involved in the molecule.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement
Draw an LCAO representation of all of the bonding orbitals for C2H2O. Be sure to clearly state the hybridization of the two carbons and the oxygen in addition to drawing the orbital representation. Also show clearly what orbital any unshared pairs occupy.

2. Homework Equations

3. The Attempt at a Solution
I started out by drawing the molecular structure and came up with CH2=C=O where the 1st carbon has an sp2 hybridization, the 2nd carbon has an sp hybridization, and the oxygen has an sp2 hybridization.

I don't know where to go from here. I have seen LCAO representations but they have only been single bonds between two hydrogen atoms like the one on this site http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cch...ig/sigmah2.gif

How would I go about forming a Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals with double bonds between the carbon-carbon and carbon-oxygen bonds, as well as the lone pairs?

Thank you!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can start by looking at http://wikis.lawrence.edu/display/CHEM/4.2+Hybrid+Orbitals+%28Jessica+Beyer%29

FAQ: Ochem - linear combination of atomic orbitals

What is Ochem - linear combination of atomic orbitals?

Ochem - linear combination of atomic orbitals is a concept in organic chemistry that involves combining different atomic orbitals to form new molecular orbitals. This allows for a more accurate description of the electronic structure of molecules.

How does linear combination of atomic orbitals work?

In linear combination of atomic orbitals, two or more atomic orbitals are combined in a linear fashion to form new molecular orbitals. This is done by adding or subtracting the wave functions of the individual orbitals, resulting in new orbitals with different energies and shapes.

Why is linear combination of atomic orbitals important in organic chemistry?

Linear combination of atomic orbitals is important in organic chemistry because it allows for a better understanding of the bonding and reactivity of molecules. This concept helps explain the observed properties of organic compounds and is essential in predicting and designing new molecules.

What is the difference between sigma and pi bonds in linear combination of atomic orbitals?

Sigma and pi bonds are both types of molecular orbitals formed through linear combination of atomic orbitals. Sigma bonds are formed by the head-to-head or end-to-end overlap of atomic orbitals, while pi bonds are formed by the side-to-side overlap of atomic orbitals. This difference in orientation leads to different bonding strengths and properties.

Can linear combination of atomic orbitals be used to explain the properties of all molecules?

No, linear combination of atomic orbitals is a simplified model of molecular bonding and does not accurately describe all molecules. Some molecules require more complex models, such as molecular orbital theory, to fully explain their properties.
