String Theory's & LQG's Successes

  • Thread starter MistyMountain
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  • #1

I am compiling a list of papers that represent String Theory's & LQG's successes.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

This list will be invaluable to researchers. Thanks from all of us!
Physics news on
  • #2
MistyMountain said:
I am compiling a list of papers that represent String Theory's & LQG's successes.
I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that
1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.
2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.
3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.
This list will be invaluable to researchers. Thanks from all of us!
The thing I dislike about String/M-theory is that it is based on an embedding of some lower dimensional object inside a higher dimensional background. But we know that the universe could not have started off from a singularity with these embedded object, because the point of a singularity cannot include submanifolds embedded in a single point. Yet no explanation is given as to where these lower dimensional embeddings come from.

Further, it would seem that there is a discontinuity between the background and the surface of the embeddings. There must be a field (tension?) that exists only on the embedding (string, surface, whatever) that does not otherwise exist in the background. If there is no field only on these embedding (not on the background), then the embedding is arbitrary since nothing special actually exists only on it. If a field does only exist on the embedding, then there is a discontinuity between the background and the embedding. At arbitrarily close distances to the surface of the embedding the field does not exist and has absoluted no effect on anything arbitrarily close. In otherwords, it violates causality to have instantaneous changes. And physics becomes different for two arbitrarily close points near and on the surface of the embeddeding. Is this a well founded objection to String/M-theory? Thanks.
  • #3
Thanks Mike,

I am hoping we can focus this thread on the following:

I am compiling a list of papers that represent String Theory's & LQG's successes.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

This list will be invaluable to researchers. Thanks from all of us!
  • #4
MistyMountain said:
Thanks Mike,

I am hoping we can focus this thread on the following:

I am compiling a list of papers that represent String Theory's & LQG's successes.
Yes, and I would hope that these papers would address my concerns as well. For it would seem that without an explanation of how branes arise out of the bulk, we don't have initial conditions of the strings/branes so that we cannot find a unique solution, so that we thus have a landscape problem.
  • #5
Happy New Year everyone,

There must be at least one String Theory or LQG paper out there that at least attempts the following unification in physics--the whole point of String Theory & LQG.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

  • #6
Look up black hole results in both string theory and LQG, or scan our old threads here where we discussed the results . Especially look for Beckenstein entropy.
  • #7

I've met Beckenstein. Nice guy & great physicist.

But still, nobodody has answered my question.

There must be at least one String Theory or LQG paper out there that at least attempts the following unification in physics--the whole point of String Theory & LQG.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.


P.S. I'm assuming that it is OK to link to successful papers on String Theory & LQG.
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  • #8
Misty, nobody is answering your questions because we suspect you are not asking in good faith. You are not really seeking information but setting us up for some AHA! concerning your private theory. Why are you still fussing about string theory and LQG when you agreed to prepare your theory for the Indeendent research forum?
  • #9
Please don't ascribe false motives to me. That is very unscientific.

We must deal with facts here--let Truth's Beauty reign supreme.

My intentions are entirely transparent.

I merely wish to reference some successful papers on String Theory and LQG.

Please link to them, and this thread will have served its purpose.

There must be at least one String Theory or LQG paper out there that at least attempts the following unification in physics--the whole point of String Theory & LQG.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

Thank you very much.


P.S. I am not just asking on my behalf--thousands of rising physicists would like to see them. Thanks!
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  • #10
selfAdjoint said:
Misty, nobody is answering your questions because we suspect you are not asking in good faith. You are not really seeking information but setting us up for some AHA! concerning your private theory. Why are you still fussing about string theory and LQG when you agreed to prepare your theory for the Indeendent research forum?
In this case I have to agree with SelfAdjoint (which does not happen very often :wink:). To please you, I can say that LQG is by far not up to the standards of your three statements (which are logically reducible to one :biggrin:) yet (and probably will never be). So, you have your confirmation that we are speaking about FACTS. Hence : --->> independent research forum.
  • #11
Thanks for the answers!

I have a bit more faith in String Theory and LQG then you guys do.

I am most certain that a paper or two will surface in the next couple days.

There has never been a theory that has been better funded than String Theory--hundreds of millions--and throw in LQG, and I am 100% certain that thousands of the best and brightest mathematicians are accomplishing what they set out to do.

So I will wait a couple days--perhaps the ink is just drying on a paper by Kaku, Greene, Witten, or Penrose. Maybe the Twistor stuff will save the day. Maybe the mathematicians are so far ahead of physicists and reality that reality needs a few days to catch up. So I will wait a few more days.

Even if it falls short, there must be at least one String Theory or LQG paper out there that at least attempts the following unification in physics--the whole point of String Theory & LQG.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

Thanks & Hapopy New Year!

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  • #12
I just told you there is no such paper in LQG (can you not read or what ?) . Go to the independent research forum and post the stuff that you don't have :smile: :smile:
  • #13
Careful said:
I just told you there is no such paper in LQG (can you not read or what ?) . Go to the independent research forum and post the stuff that you don't have :smile: :smile:

But what about a string theory paper? Surely there is one.

In writing academic papers, it is most important to reference prior art.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

Thanks & Hapopy New Year!

  • #14
I see you are still asking the same stupid question : you actually do not even need to know string theory or whatever to answer it. :biggrin: You are asking us wether there exists a paper which solves quantum gravity (in string theory for example). The answer is obviously no, since we all agree that quantum gravity is still an open problem :smile: :smile: So, NOW YOU solve quantum gravity since you are starving to show us your solution. :devil:
  • #15
I am not necessarily looking for quantum gravity, but rather I am looking for a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity within a simple postulate.

I am looking for papers on String Theory, or LQG, that:

1) model a fundamental physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

2) offer a simple postulate which accounts for a deeper physical reality from which both quantum mechanics and relativity descend.

3) offer a simple postulate and/or physical model which simultaneously accounts for quantum entanglement and relativity's two postulates.

I forgot to mention that M-theory papers accomplishing the above would also be of great interest.

  • #16
That's the 8th time you've posted the same question. That's enough.
  • #17

Just hoping for an answer soon!

Thanks & happy new year!
  • #18
MistyMountain said:
I am not necessarily looking for quantum gravity, but rather I am looking for a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity within a simple postulate.
If such postulate would exist and you can show that GR and QM emerge as effective theories on the appropriate energyscales then you have solved quantum gravity. It is usually not difficult to make such postulates (there are pleanty of them in circulation - for example causal sets claims to do that), however the entire difficulty is to show the latter two requirements. String theory AFAIK is still looking for the principles of M theory and many LQG practitioners would also admit that their theory might just be an intermediate stage in understanding what these principles should be. So, you have a CRYSTAL CLEAR answer to your questions. I urge you to go to IRF and present your principles and to derive QM and GR as effective theories.


  • #19
Careful said:
If such postulate would exist and you can show that GR and QM emerge as effective theories on the appropriate energyscales then you have solved quantum gravity. It is usually not difficult to make such postulates (there are pleanty of them in circulation - for example causal sets claims to do that), however the entire difficulty is to show the latter two requirements. String theory AFAIK is still looking for the principles of M theory and many LQG practitioners would also admit that their theory might just be an intermediate stage in understanding what these principles should be. So, you have a CRYSTAL CLEAR answer to your questions. I urge you to go to IRF and present your principles and to derive QM and GR as effective theories.

Careful--again you state, "If such postulate would exist and you can show that GR and QM emerge as effective theories on the appropriate energyscales then you have solved quantum gravity. It is usually not difficult to make such postulates (there are pleanty of them in circulation - for example causal sets claims to do that), however the entire difficulty is to show the latter two requirements."

Could you please link to one of the "plenty of postualtes that are in circulation?"


I really think you need to provide at least one link now and then, supporting what you say.

  • #20
MistyMountain said:
Careful--again you state, "If such postulate would exist and you can show that GR and QM emerge as effective theories on the appropriate energyscales then you have solved quantum gravity. It is usually not difficult to make such postulates (there are pleanty of them in circulation - for example causal sets claims to do that), however the entire difficulty is to show the latter two requirements."
Could you please link to one of the "plenty of postualtes that are in circulation?"
I really think you need to provide at least one link now and then, supporting what you say.

Look at and note section 2, "The Axiomatic Structure of Causal Sites".

And that is enough. Locking.
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