Ads/CFT and Ashtekar variables or spinfoam

In summary, there are theoretical problems with loop quantum gravity based on directly quantizing Ashtekar variables, for example, that there is no relation left between "generalized connections" and the actual (smooth) affine connections of Riemanniann geometry. The passage from smooth to "generalized connections" is an ad hoc step that is not justified by any established rule of quantization.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
another approach
there are theoretical problems with loop quantum gravity based on directly quantizing Ashtekar variables,

for example,

"One can pinpoint the technical error in LQG explicitly:To recall, the starting point of LQG is to encode the Riemannian metric in terms of the parallel transport of the affine connection that it induces. This parallel transport is an assignment to each smooth curve in the manifold between points x

and y of a linear isomorphism TxX→TyY
between the tangent spaces over these points.This assignment is itself smooth, as a function on the smooth space of smooth curves, suitably defined. Moreover, it satisfies the evident functoriality conditions, in that it respects composition of paths and identity paths.It is a theorem that smooth (affine) connections on smooth manifolds are indeed equivalent to such smooth functorial assignments of parallel transport isomorphisms to smooth curves. This theorem goes back to Barrett, who considered it for the case that all paths are taken to be loops. For the general case it is discussed in, following suggestion by John Baez.So far so good. The idea of LQG is now to use this equivalence to equivalently regard the configuration space of gravity as a space of parallell transport/holonomy assignments to paths (in particular loops, whence the name "LQG").But now in the next step in LQG, the smoothness condition on these parallel transport assignments is dropped. Instead, what is considered are general functions from paths to group elements, which are not required to be smooth or even to be continuous, hence plain set-theoretic functions. In the LQG literature these assignments are then called "generalized connections". It is the space of these "generalized connections" which is then being quantized.The trouble is that there is no relation left between "generalized connections" and the actual (smooth) affine connections of Riemanniann geometry. The passage from smooth to "generalized connections" is an ad hoc step that is not justified by any established rule of quantization. It effectively changes the nature of the system that is being quantized."

since Ashtekar variables are standard general relativity rewritten from metric to connections formulation, Anti de Sitter spacetime could be formulated in terms of Ashtekar variables

with the advantage that here, Anti de Sitter spacetime is expressed as smooth (affine) connections on smooth manifolds are indeed equivalent to such smooth functorial assignments of parallel transport isomorphisms to smooth curves rather than a metric in standard GR. it is expressed as a SU(2) gauge theory similar to used in the standard model.

according to the AdS/CFT correspondence the bulk is an , Anti de Sitter spacetime here in 4 dimensions, there is a corresponding conformal field theories in one less dimension.

so Ashtekar variables in 4 dimensions and Anti de Sitter spacetime should be dual to a conformal field theories, and so working with conformal field theories could answer many quantum gravity questions as LQG appears to be incorrect.

if spinfoam can reproduce Anti de Sitter spacetime in 4 dimensions, that it should also be dual to a CFT,

and then work with the CFT to answer any quantum gravity questions

to date, supersymmetry has not been confirmed by the LHC and may not exist in nature. there is also no evidence of additional Kaluza Klein dimensions as required by string theory.

in summary, one form of quantum gravity is the "bulk" of Anti de Sitter spacetime in 4 dimensions expressed as Ashtekar variables or spinfoam, without supersymmetry. It is dual to a 3 dimensional conformal field theory according to the the AdS/CFT correspondence

so any quantum gravity calculations can be formed by a CFT in 3 dimensions, and theoertical issues of quantum gravity can be respond by the corresponding CFT.

what makes this different from LQG, is that there is no direct quantiziation of Ashtekar variables, only use of CFT via holographic duality

this isn't LQG but holographic Ashtekar theory, or holographic spinfoam theory.I have in mind a spinfoam theory in 4 dimensions completely independent of LQG but satisfies the AdS/CFT correspondence

since the bulk is Anti de Sitter spacetime in 4 dimensions expressed as Ashtekar variables smooth (affine) connections on smooth manifolds are indeed equivalent to such smooth functorial assignments of parallel transport isomorphisms to smooth curves

the CFT could help show how it's quantum gravity properties
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  • #2
I think we should stick with 4-D spacetime too, in connection to AdS/CFT I believe 3+1 chern-simons is used for this gravity explanation, but I find it unclear as to what the gravity dynamics actually are ["gauge/connection" etc] and if it comes anywhere close to experimental measurements. I feel there is an important insight missing . The gravity problem is one of the biggest issues so why not focus on that aspect ?
Then I also have some problem with the AdS/CFT correspondence in the first place since we probably can never test it.
What you mention is also related to the continuum/discrete problem. I feel LQG is still on to something
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  • #3
casparov said:
I think we should stick with 4-D spacetime too, in connection to AdS/CFT I believe 3+1 chern-simons is used for this gravity explanation, but I find it unclear as to what the gravity dynamics actually are ["gauge/connection" etc] and if it comes anywhere close to experimental measurements. I feel there is an important insight missing . The gravity problem is one of the biggest issues so why not focus on that aspect ?
Then I also have some problem with the AdS/CFT correspondence in the first place since we probably can never test it.
What you mention is also related to the continuum/discrete problem. I feel LQG is still on to something

AdS/CFT correspondence most famous exampleis type IIB string theory on the product space A d S 5 × S 5 is equivalent to N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory on the four-dimensional boundary

Is there any conformal field theory in 3+1or 2+1 that correspondence with 4D or 5D gravity as in the real world

specifically quantum chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of the strong force with conformal symmetry

AdS/CFT correspondence of 4D or 5D gravity in Ashtekar variables and a conformal field theory in 3+1or 2+1 that is QCD with conformal symmetry
  • #4
I believe you are correct in that is the most famous example and still being lectured today (saw one a week ago from IAS). I can reference you to a nice talk given by Alejandra Castro regarding 3D+1 Chern-Simons theory and also in relation to AdS/CFT , she talks about the gravity connection.

I am not sure on the current state of Chern-Simons in 3 spatial dimensions (+1 time) but to me it is trivially true, yet requires more refinement
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  • #5
casparov said:
I believe you are correct in that is the most famous example and still being lectured today (saw one a week ago from IAS). I can reference you to a nice talk given by Alejandra Castro regarding 3D+1 Chern-Simons theory and also in relation to AdS/CFT , she talks about the gravity connection.

I am not sure on the current state of Chern-Simons in 3 spatial dimensions (+1 time) but to me it is trivially true, yet requires more refinement

what conformal field theory is AdS/CFT correspondence with AdS described by 4D Ashtekar variables
  • #6
casparov said:
I am not sure on the current state of Chern-Simons in 3 spatial dimensions (+1 time) but to me it is trivially true, yet requires more refinement
What is trivially true?

Ordinary Chern-Simons theory only exists in an odd number of space-time dimensions. Chern-Simons in 3+1 dimensions is relatively recent and involves complexifying one of the space-time coordinates in 2+1 Chern-Simons.
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  • #7
mitchell porter said:
N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory on the four-dimensional boundaryWhat is trivially true?

Ordinary Chern-Simons theory only exists in an odd number of space-time dimensions. Chern-Simons in 3+1 dimensions is relatively recent and involves complexifying one of the space-time coordinates in 2+1 Chern-Simons.
what do you think of the idea of AdS/CFT correspondence with AdS described by 4D or 5D Ashtekar variables and CFT N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory on the four-dimensional boundary
  • #8
mitchell porter said:
What is trivially true?

Ordinary Chern-Simons theory only exists in an odd number of space-time dimensions. Chern-Simons in 3+1 dimensions is relatively recent and involves complexifying one of the space-time coordinates in 2+1 Chern-Simons.
The dynamics of the theory, but not the choice of G the Lie group

FAQ: Ads/CFT and Ashtekar variables or spinfoam

What is the AdS/CFT correspondence?

The AdS/CFT correspondence, also known as gauge/gravity duality, is a theoretical framework that posits a relationship between a type of string theory defined in a higher-dimensional space (Anti-de Sitter space, AdS) and a conformal field theory (CFT) defined on the boundary of this space. This duality provides a powerful tool for studying quantum gravity and strongly coupled quantum field theories.

What are Ashtekar variables?

Ashtekar variables are a reformulation of the variables used in general relativity, introduced by Abhay Ashtekar. They transform the classical equations of general relativity into a form that is more amenable to quantization. These variables use a connection and a densitized triad, which simplifies the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity and is fundamental in loop quantum gravity.

What is spinfoam in the context of quantum gravity?

Spinfoam is a framework used in loop quantum gravity to describe the quantum geometry of spacetime. It represents a history of spin networks, which are graphs with edges labeled by spins, evolving over time. Spinfoam models provide a way to sum over possible quantum geometries, aiming to describe the quantum dynamics of spacetime.

How does the AdS/CFT correspondence help in understanding quantum gravity?

The AdS/CFT correspondence offers a non-perturbative definition of quantum gravity in terms of a well-defined quantum field theory. It allows researchers to use the tools and techniques of conformal field theory to study and gain insights into the properties of quantum gravity, particularly in the regime where traditional perturbative methods fail.

How do Ashtekar variables and spinfoam approaches relate to each other?

Ashtekar variables are the starting point for the canonical quantization of gravity in loop quantum gravity, leading to the construction of spin networks. Spinfoam models build on this by providing a covariant (space-time) formulation of the quantum dynamics of these spin networks. Together, they form a coherent approach to understanding the quantum nature of spacetime.

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