This pharse has three misstakes. How many mistakes does this phrase have?

  • Thread starter kaleidoscope
  • Start date
  • #1
"This pharse has three misstakes." How many mistakes does this phrase have?

"This pharse has three misstakes."

How many mistakes does this phrase really have?
Physics news on
  • #2

Define mistake.

If grammatical, two.
If philosophical, one.
Combined, three.
  • #3

Oh my, it displays many mistakes ! To begin with, it is written (1) too large and (2) in bold, so that I read it in a shouting tone, which is really inappropriate. Next, (3) it uses "quotes" although the common usage on PF is to use tags
as so
Any other scheme is a grave mistake of taste around here. Further, (4) it is posted in GD although it is a brainteaser; at most in philosophy section, but not in GD. Finally, it states to have (3) mistakes, although it has at least (4) as we just saw, therefore more than (4).
  • #4

It is not written in Norwegian.
  • #5

  • #6

No one mentioned spelling?
  • #7

Evo said:
No one mentioned spelling?
I did not mention it because the OP attempted to trick us into a catch 22, "This sentence is a lie" logical contradiction. Outside the box thinking being necessary, I decided to fire back with emphasis on what was not inside the box :smile:
  • #8

humanino said:
I did not mention it because the OP attempted to trick us into a catch 22, "This sentence is a lie" logical contradiction. Outside the box thinking being necessary, I decided to fire back with emphasis on what was not inside the box :smile:
I loved your answers BTW!

I thought about the option of the second sentence, but decided to ignore it, it's how questions in school were usually asked.
  • #9

I'm sorry for my bad netiquette. :(
  • #10

humanino said:
Further, (4) it is posted in GD although it is a brainteaser; at most in philosophy section, but not in GD.

This is wrong! It's in the brainteaser forum, not GD!

Sheesh! Some people!
  • #11

BobG said:
This is wrong! It's in the brainteaser forum, not GD!

Sheesh! Some people!
That's Evo's witchery I believe.
  • #12

I would think 2 spelling errors and 1 mathematical
  • #13

J MAZURE said:
I would think 2 spelling errors and 1 mathematical
Then you run into self-contradiction : if it has a mathematical error (it says 3 although it's only 2), then it does not have mathematical error (now it really has three), and vice-versa...
  • #14

kaleidoscope said:
How many mistakes does this phrase really have?
  • #15

Jimmy Snyder said:
I remember long ago when I posted some teasers here. Already then, Jimmy Snyder never had any difficulty finding the solution I knew (the obvious one), and would therefore most often come up with a better one. Nicely played sir.
  • #16

I'd agree and I'm no English Major but since the first sentence is in quotation marks the word "this" in the second sentence could mean previous--no?
  • #17

  • #18

This farce has had more than three miss-takes surely, at least four of them from me...but...

Q: how many mistakes does this phrase really have?

A: None.