- #1
- 239
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Homework Statement
An object at rest with respect to an inertial reference frame S.
2 other inertial reference frames S' and S''.
S' has velocity (vx, vy) = (-.6c, 0) with respect to S.
S'' has velocity (vx, vy) = (-.6c, +.6c) with respect to S.
If I transform my observations from S to S', the object's velocity with respect to S' is (vx', vy') = (+.6c, 0).
If instead I transform my observations from S to S'', the object's velocity with respect to S'' is (vx'', vy'') = (+.6c, -.6c).
Determine the object's velocity with respect to S'' by means of 2 sequential reference frame transformations, S to S' and then S' to S''.
Homework Equations
For velocity transformations when more than one dimension is involved, I do a velocity 4-vector transformation.
\gamma_{u'} \\
\gamma_{u'} u'_x \\
\gamma_{u'} u'_y \\
\gamma_{u'} u'_z
\gamma & -\gamma\beta_x & -\gamma\beta_y & -\gamma\beta_z \\
-\gamma\beta_x & 1+\frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_x^2}{\beta^2} & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_x\beta_y}{\beta^2} & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_x \beta_z}{\beta^2} \\
-\gamma\beta_y & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_x\beta_y}{\beta^2} & 1+\frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_y^2}{\beta^2} & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_y\beta_z}{\beta^2} \\
-\gamma\beta_z & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_x\beta_z}{\beta^2} & \frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_y\beta_z}{\beta^2} & 1+\frac{(\gamma -1)\beta_z^2}{\beta^2}
\gamma_{u} \\
\gamma_{u} u_x \\
\gamma_{u} u_y \\
\gamma_{u} u_z
Where v is the velocity of reference frame S' with respect to reference frame S and
$$\beta_x = v_x/c$$
$$\beta_y = v_y/c$$
$$\beta_y = v_y/c$$
$$\beta^2 = \beta_x^2 + \beta_y^2 + \beta_z^2$$
$$\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2}}$$
$$\gamma_u = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta_u^2}}$$
$$\gamma_{u'} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta_{u'}^2}}$$
The Attempt at a Solution
For S to S' I already have the velocity for the object as stated previously (vx', vy') = (+.6c, 0).
Now I want to transform from S' to S''. I need the velocity of S'' with respect to S'. It is the relativistic velocity difference between the two. That’s not (0, +.6c). Using the formulas presented in Latex above I calculate it as (0, +.75c).
Then the velocity of the object with respect to S'' becomes the relativistic velocity difference between (+.6c, 0) and (0, +.75c) Using the formulas presented in Latex above I calculate that to be (+.34c, -.75c).
So the velocity of the object is (+.6c, -.6c), magnitude = .848 with respect to S'' using a one step process
and (+.34c, -.75c) magnitude .848 with respect to S'' using a two step process.
If the calculations are correct then I am forced to conclude that the reference frame I labeled S'' in the one step process is not the same reference frame as the one I labeled S'' in the 2 step process. They have the same origin, are at rest with respect to each other, but one is rotated with respect to the other.
So here are my questions.
Even after spending hours checking my work, do I have a mistake in my calculations? Have I misunderstood the meaning of the calculations? Was gibt? (That's German for “What gives?”)
I am working a more complicated version of this problem in another forum and a poster has suggested I have run into Thomas Precession.