Using ultrasound to create guitar effects

  • #1
Im interested in using ultrasound to intrfere with sound that comes out of guitar amplifier or sending ultrasound together with normal guitar signal in amp.

My questions are : Is it possible? What will it do? Is there anything like it that i can look into?

Thank you very much
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  • #2
vlada113 said:
Im interested in using ultrasound to intrfere with sound that comes out of guitar amplifier or sending ultrasound together with normal guitar signal in amp.

My questions are : Is it possible? What will it do? Is there anything like it that i can look into?

Thank you very much
I guess it would be possible, but I don't think it would have much noticeable effect. For really high frequencies (Mhz or Ghz), any modulation of the guitar signal that it produced would be above the human range of hearing. If the frequency were almost within the normal audible range, you might be able to produce an annoying high-pitched whine as a difference frequency, but there are much easier ways to do that.
  • #3
vlada113 said:
My questions are : Is it possible? What will it do?
Common audio systems usually has a bandwidth limitation what prevents the amplification of (useless) ultrasonic frequencies.
Some extreme audiophile super-gizmo has wider bandwidth, but even those ends somewhere around 40kHz.
Within these limitations the most you can have out of this is ~ a burning amplifier and many scared/jumpy dogs and cats.
Maybe some bats could be affected.
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