Viscosity, No Slip, Permeable Couette plate

In summary: This suggests that the no-slip condition is only valid for surfaces that are impermeable to all components of the fluid, and that the fluid momentum will be transferred to the surface as friction, diminishing the effect of the friction coefficient due to the pressure difference between the fluid and the surface.
  • #1
I am trying to understand the no slip condition (parallel velocity =0) in the presence of a permeable surface (in this case a Reverse Osmosis filter mesh ).

Does the presence of permeability affect the no slip condition ?


For a gas Where viscous effects are dominated by momentum gradients and molecular surface roughness . I can see permeability (above the mean free path nm scale) affect the no slip condition as the molecules will not interact with the surface (pass thru the permeable sections ) maintaining there average momentum.

For a liquid I see the no slip condition holding at much greater scales (perhaps mm) as the forces of cohesion and adhesion dominate liquid viscosity and will affect average momentum (reducing to 0 ) over a much greater scale.

To me this suggests a scale limit to permeability for both Gas and Liquid scenarios before the no slip assumption is affected

How can I quantify or test this . I cannot find anything that deals with this in my searching?
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  • #2
Tom79Tom said:
I am trying to understand the no slip condition (parallel velocity =0) in the presence of a permeable surface (in this case a Reverse Osmosis filter mesh ).

Permeable surfaces violate the no-slip condition because the fluid velocity is not zero at the interface- there is mass flow 'through' the surface. IF you do a search for something like 'pipe flow with permeable walls' you will find infinite derivations, for example:
  • #3
Andy Resnick said:
Permeable surfaces violate the no-slip condition because the fluid velocity is not zero at the interface- there is mass flow 'through' the surface. IF you do a search for something like 'pipe flow with permeable walls' you will find infinite derivations, for example:
Thanks for your reply Andy

Perhaps if I rephrase my question I can simplify what I am ultimately trying to understand - In the presence of a surface, impermeable to any component of ux, (Represented in my diagram by the angled surface of my membrane )
  • will the static fluid area beyond this impermeable surface be available to carry this momentum according to Bernoulli's
  • will flow through this surface be only dependent on an overall Total pressure gradient ?

Flow thru a membrane 2.png

Explanation from suggested readings
I have read what I can of this article and while i understand there is a 'through' radial velocity -I am still confused about how the no slip condition, zero parallel velocity =0 ( axial =0 ) is broken, from the article -

'At the tube surface inside the test section, we require zero axial velocity, ux=0, and a radial velocity given by Starling’s equation uσ =Lp (p− pa)
Screenshot (3).png

This makes sense to me as there will only be a flow in the presence of a pressure gradient * - without a pressure gradient the flow could be treated as an impermeable wall with additional surface roughness /momentum penetration

What you have stated about mass transfer also makes sense as any fluid mass transiting the surface will carry with it a component of ux momentum but wasn't that was going to happen anyway ? (without permeability ) the difference being was this momentum was only going to be expended to the surface as friction. (Friction coefficient) what doesn't occur (or is diminished in the presence of mass transfer) is the aspect of the friction co-efficient resulting from the return of static pressure from the boundary degrading the flow.

Intuitively mass transfer (arising from permeability) alone does seem to be the mechanism increasing momentum loss

I have found another article of Interest (albeit on turbulent flows) which outlines the effect of vorticity and momentum penetration on increasing the friction coefficient and depth where ux=0 becomes zero but it still suggests that ux still applies within the boundary. From this article I see a similar Starling term ud that would be driven from a total pressure difference
Screenshot (2).png

* I am aware that this pressure gradient will always result from the application of an additional dynamic pressure term to only one component of fluids with equal static pressures.


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  • #4
I'm having a harder time understanding your question now. The no-slip condition means that fluid in contact with a solid *must* have the same velocity as the solid, in order to avoid a singularity in the stress tensor. However, for a permeable surface, the fluid velocity is not that of the wall- there is a component of velocity normal to the permeable surface, as fluid flows through the membrane, and that velocity is typically given as Starling's equation which involves the permeability of the wall and pressure drop across the wall.

FAQ: Viscosity, No Slip, Permeable Couette plate

What is viscosity?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. It refers to how easily a fluid can be deformed or sheared by an external force, such as gravity or pressure. Liquids with high viscosity, like honey or motor oil, are more resistant to flow and require more force to move, while liquids with low viscosity, like water, flow more easily.

What is the no-slip condition in fluid mechanics?

The no-slip condition is a fundamental concept in fluid mechanics that states that the velocity of a fluid at a solid boundary is zero. This means that a fluid in contact with a solid surface will not move along that surface, but instead stick to it. This condition explains why fluids have different velocities at different points within a flow, with the velocity at the boundary being zero.

How does the permeability of a Couette plate affect fluid flow?

The permeability of a Couette plate refers to how easily a fluid can pass through the plate. A higher permeability means that the fluid can flow more easily through the plate, while a lower permeability means that the fluid will have more resistance. This can affect fluid flow by creating different levels of friction and altering the fluid velocity near the boundary.

What is a Couette plate and how is it used in fluid mechanics?

A Couette plate is a type of flow cell used in fluid mechanics experiments to study the effects of viscosity and fluid flow. It consists of two parallel plates, with one moving and the other stationary, creating a shearing force on the fluid between them. This setup allows for the measurement of fluid properties, such as viscosity, and the observation of fluid behavior under different flow conditions.

How do different types of fluids behave on a permeable Couette plate?

The behavior of a fluid on a permeable Couette plate depends on its viscosity and the permeability of the plate. High viscosity fluids will have a higher resistance to flow and create more friction on the plate, while low viscosity fluids will have less resistance and create less friction. Additionally, the permeability of the plate can affect the fluid flow patterns and velocities near the boundary, leading to different behaviors for different types of fluids.

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