Welcome to PF 3.5: New Style, Image Gallery & More!

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, PF 3.5 offers a more modern and productive experience at PF. However, there are some aesthetic issues with the new style.
  • #1
No your computer has not been hacked :biggrin: You are viewing the new PF 3.5 style! This style is purely aesthetic with virtually no new functionality. However we feel it does offer a more modern and productive experience at PF. Big thanks to the entire staff, SA's and HH's as they were a big help in final refinement (so blame them for anything you don't like :biggrin:). Speaking of refinement, we welcome any feedback and suggestions. However, please keep in mind we have thousands of members and millions of visitors. It is impossible to please everyone. If there is a serious criticism, all I ask if that you give the style a few days to sink in. For better or worse, change is never easy. You might notice a few things missing. Please give me a few days to complete the transition, there are a few things I couldn't add or tweak until it was released to the public.

There is one exciting new feature at PF and that is the Image Gallery. Located in the "Features" drop down in the upper nav bar. This image gallery displays all the images we have stored as attachments here at PF. You maybe simply browse the current images or search by file name keywords. You may also browse by forum by selecting the forum you want in the drop down menu and leave the search box empty. Then click search and you'll see images for just that forum.

Check it out here:
https://www.physicsforums.com/attach_gallery.php Thanks for all your support! PF 3.5 here we are!*reminder to upgrade your browsers. FF/Chrome/Safari/Opera work the best. If you are intent on using IE, make sure it is IE10 (IE9 is minimum).
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ooooh, it looks shiny and new. But the new blue colour scheme had me refreshing the page a couple of times to make sure I was on the right site :rolleyes:
  • #3
trollcast said:
Ooooh, it looks shiny and new. But the new blue colour scheme had me refreshing the page a couple of times to make sure I was on the right site :rolleyes:
The new quotes look really nice.
  • #4
When the page first came up I thought I somehow went to the wrong site. Still, the new look is refreshing.
  • #5
i think it looks a lot better.

and, as one of the "thousands", i think you need make no apologies, Greg. (maybe a couple of the admins with keys do, but as best as i can see, not you.)
  • #6
Wow! New visuals.
  • #7
I really like the new look. More modern for sure. Good work guys!
  • #8
Thank you Greg. Outstanding.
  • #9
Thanks Greg, the new skin looks great!
  • #10
Was about time, looks very nice.
  • #11
Wow looks great! I clicked my PF icon on my browser and this new page showed up. The first thing I said to myself was
"What did I click the wrong webpage!?". However, it looks great! I like it much more than the old one :-)!
  • #12
It looks great, it really does. There's only one thing I don't like :P... The "Stay connected" thingie, on the right side of the home page.
  • #13
No, really. Your computer has been hacked!


  • #14
x2791258 said:
It looks great, it really does. There's only one thing I don't like :P... The "Stay connected" thingie, on the right side of the home page.

Yeah I get it. Unfortunately in today's times we need to compete in the social media and mobile world.
  • #15
I don't like how the title banner behind the logo "Physics Forums" is a deeper hue than the blues used in the rest of the site, including the bars above everyone's posts (with the stars). Its deep blue up top but then everywhere else a more pastel-like teal.

Its probably intentional, and doesn't look BAD, but it was the first thing that jumped out at me.

Otherwise GREAT new appearance!
  • #16
Nice outlook.
Looks futuristic...
  • #17
I didn't like the old look much, but I was comfortable with it and fear change.

But seriously, it looks great. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Great job to all who worked on the upgrade. I am sure this is a busy, high maintenance forum, and you all do a great job.

-Dave K
  • #18
It'll take me a bit to get used to it (for reasons that aren't rational), but I'm glad the new look isn't adversely affecting functionality, for me, at least. All-in-all, great work!
  • #19
Thanks for all the support! We will be transferring some files over to the CDN later today. So there is good possibility of some random funkiness and broken images, but it shouldn't last more than a few minutes.
  • #20
Firstly, many many thanks to Gerg for PF 3.5. the new PF looks very nice.

the grey side bar is looks good but how one can expand the PF 3.5 to whole window.
  • #21
Hepth said:
I don't like how the title banner behind the logo "Physics Forums" is a deeper hue than the blues used in the rest of the site, including the bars above everyone's posts (with the stars). Its deep blue up top but then everywhere else a more pastel-like teal.

Its probably intentional, and doesn't look BAD, but it was the first thing that jumped out at me.

Otherwise GREAT new appearance!

The deeper hue in the title is because it portrays the night sky! If you squint hard enough, you'll see little stars twinkling in the background :)

Quotes look awesome too!

Love it!

  • #22
It's going to take me a while to get used to it. I have to stare at everything to know what I'm clicking on. It does look nice though.
  • #23
Natassha said:
how one can expand the PF 3.5 to whole window.
You can't. The width is fixed. This has the advantage that if someone posts an image or something that's too wide, it will only mess up that post instead of all the posts on the page.

Personally, I don't see the need to stretch the window out more to the right. Longer lines of text are harder to read.
  • #25
Is it me, or is there now no way to tell which threads you have already read all of the messages on?

EDIT: Nevermind... for some reason, when I first connected to the new PF it thought *everything* was already read. Once new messages came in, the thread title was in bold.
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  • #26
Very nice colors.

Agreeable for the eyes.

Well done!
  • #27
Looks great!
  • #28
I thought it was this year April's joke!:biggrin:
  • #29
Lisa! said:
I thought it was this year April's joke!:biggrin:

Maybe the joke is going back to the old one :D
  • #30
*I notice a new page in my top sites*

Me: Oh, I see you redecorated! I don't like it.

(Note that that was just to have a proper reference to Doctor Who, I actually do like it.)
  • #31
Whoa dude...
  • #32
reenmachine said:
Very nice colors.

Agreeable for the eyes.

Well done!


Very well done. The new look definitely looks more modern and enjoyable. :smile:
  • #33
  • #34
The new look of PF is amazing! Thank you very much for your efforts!
  • #35
WOOOOWF! I :!) the blue and green color scheme. The buttons are more fun to press. Fast forward button on the quotes? Incredible! And a fish scale boarder? This is too much, I must go pinch myself!

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