- #1
- 156
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Homework Statement
a particle travels along a straight line and the acceleration is given by
a = 30 - 0.2v
determine the time when the velocity of the particle is v = 30
Homework Equations
[tex]\int \frac {dv}{ax+b} = \frac{1}{a} \ln (ax+b) [/tex]
The Attempt at a Solution
This is the solution from the textbook. The problem is that my math class is behind schedule so I haven't learned integrals yet. The only knowledge I have on the matter is from what was briefly covered in my dynamics class. So I need an explanation of what is happening is happening in this solution.
[tex] dt = \frac{dv}{a} [/tex]
[tex]\int ^t_0 dt = \int ^v_0 \frac {dv}{30 - 0.2v} [/tex]
[tex]t\mid^t_0 = \frac {-1}{0.2} \ln({30-0.2v}) \mid ^v_0 [/tex]
I understand everything upto this point but I have no idea what is happening in the next step.
[tex] t = 5 \ln \frac {30}{30-0.2v} [/tex]
[tex] t = 5 \ln \frac{30}{30 - 0.2(50)} = 1.12s [/tex]
several questions, first where did the 30 in the numerator come from? why did the minus sign before [tex] \frac{-1}{0.2} = -5 [/tex] go to and why was the v replaced by 50 instead of 30. There is no conversion of units going on in this question.