What Role Does Seawater and HCl Play in Electrochemical Corrosion?

In summary, the lab involves measuring potentials across different electrodes immersed in seawater. The seawater serves as a conductor, allowing the metal ions to move and create a potential difference. In the discussion question, joining gold and copper electrodes in HCl should not cause any reactions as both are noble metals. The term "actual corrosion" is unclear, but it is unlikely to occur unless oxidation takes place. The Na+ and Cl- ions in seawater do not directly participate in the reactions, but they improve conductivity. Despite the potential difference between gold and copper, both metals are still at a safe potential due to their positions in the emf series.
  • #1
Alvine Alvin
Hi there,

So this isn't actually my homework, I've been assigned to TA an electrochemistry lab. Problem is, I know almost nothing about electrochemistry and although I've tried to learn I'm still a bit rusty (har har!). The lab involves immersing different electrodes in seawater in a single beaker and measuring the potentials across them, and I have a few questions:

1)What exactly does the seawater do? If the potential is higher because of it then presumably it increases ionic conductivity. But the metals will almost certainly both be more cathodic than sodium and what should happen is that the anode is oxidised and then its ions move to the cathode and are reduced, right? So where does the ionic content of the seawater come into it? does it just shield the free ions and make it easier for them to move?

2)There is a 'discussion question' which asks what would happen if I joined gold and copper electrodes in a beaker of HCl. What happens here? Presumably copper is oxidised at the anode and moves to the cathode? What does the HCl achieve?

3)Then they ask if 'actual corrosion' would happen in this case? I don't know what this means. They ask if it would happen if we bubble air though the solution. If we did that presumbly the Cu(II) ions could react with O2 and form deposits of CuO on the gold electrode? But even if we did not I think that copper would still be degraded and deposited onto the gold electrode?

If you guys can provide any guidance on these, that would be wonderful!


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  • #2
Seawater is just a (relatively) good conductor - you need to close the circuit.

Gold and copper in HCl - IMHO nothing should happen, both are noble metals.

No idea what they mean by 'actual'. But as I don't expect any oxidation to take place, I bet there will be no corrosion, unless it will be called 'nonexistent' or 'imaginary'.
  • #3
So the Na+ and Cl- ions don't do anything, they just improve conduction of the metal ions?

Surely some potential is established between gold and copper though, as they have different positions in the emf series?
  • #4
Alvine Alvin said:
So the Na+ and Cl- ions don't do anything, they just improve conduction of the metal ions?

Conductivity of the solution.

Surely some potential is established between gold and copper though, as they have different positions in the emf series?

Yes, but regardless of that surfaces of both are still at the safe potential (above hydrogen half cell). That's not the case when you connect iron/magnesium, iron/zinc, copper/zinc and so on - but it is always at least one metal that is more active than hydrogen.
  • #5

Hi Alvin,

I can provide some insight into your questions about corrosion in sea water and HCl. Let's start with your first question about the role of seawater in the experiment. Seawater is a complex mixture of various ions, including sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, and others. These ions can act as charge carriers, allowing for the movement of electrons between the electrodes. Additionally, the presence of seawater can also affect the pH of the solution, which can impact the corrosion potential of the electrodes.

In the case of joining gold and copper electrodes in a beaker of HCl, the copper electrode will act as the anode and undergo oxidation, while the gold electrode will act as the cathode and undergo reduction. The HCl will serve as an electrolyte, providing ions for the movement of electrons between the electrodes. However, HCl is also a strong acid and can accelerate the corrosion process by increasing the rate of oxidation at the anode.

As for the question about "actual corrosion," this refers to the degradation of the metal itself. In the case of the gold and copper electrodes in HCl, both metals will undergo corrosion, with the copper being more susceptible due to its lower standard reduction potential. Bubbling air through the solution can also accelerate the corrosion process by providing oxygen for the oxidation reactions to occur.

I hope this helps clarify some of your questions. Electrochemistry can be a complex subject, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. Good luck with your TA duties!


FAQ: What Role Does Seawater and HCl Play in Electrochemical Corrosion?

1. What is corrosion?

Corrosion is a process in which a material is gradually deteriorated or damaged due to chemical reactions with its surrounding environment.

2. How does sea water cause corrosion?

Sea water contains high levels of salt, which can act as an electrolyte and accelerate the corrosion process. The presence of oxygen and other contaminants in sea water also contribute to corrosion.

3. Can corrosion in sea water be prevented?

Yes, corrosion in sea water can be prevented through the use of protective coatings, such as paint or specialized corrosion-resistant materials. Regular maintenance and inspection can also help identify and address potential corrosion issues.

4. How does HCl contribute to corrosion in sea water?

HCl, or hydrochloric acid, is a strong acid that can increase the corrosive properties of sea water. It can also directly corrode certain metals, making them more susceptible to corrosion in sea water.

5. Are there any industries or structures that are particularly vulnerable to corrosion in sea water and HCl?

Industries and structures that are constantly exposed to sea water and HCl, such as offshore oil rigs, ships, and coastal infrastructure, are at a higher risk for corrosion. These environments require specialized materials and coatings to prevent and mitigate corrosion.

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