What Should I choose for my career, as my aim in life?

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  • Thread starter M. M. Fahad Joy
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    Career Life
  • #1
M. M. Fahad Joy
To become successful in life, I must choose a definite aim of my life. But what proffession should I choose?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Choose the one that you feel will make you the most happy. No sense in becoming a petro-chemical engineer making big bucks, if you dislike chemistry or travel to parts unknown. You'd be miserable.
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  • #3
PhanthomJay said:
Choose the one that you feel will make you the most happy. No sense in becoming a petro-chemical engineer making big bucks, if you dislike chemistry or travel to parts unknown. You'd be miserable.
I prefer Mathematics. But my family doesn't support this.
  • #4
What is it that you like about Maths and what do you envision doing with this knowledge?
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  • #5
Give some focus to your question. What do YOU want to study, learn, become; and what do your PARENTS want you to study, learn, and become?

Next, how have you prepared for either of those up to now?
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  • #6
symbolipoint said:
Give some focus to your question. What do YOU want to study, learn, become; and what do your PARENTS want you to study, learn, and become?

Next, how have you prepared for either of those up to now?
I think I should choose the exact proffession which is easy to me. As A science student, I have Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Higher Math. Among them Physics, Chemistry and Higher Math is easy to me. But Biology is difficult to me. Which is meeded to be a doctor. So, I am agreed to go with any subject without Biology.
  • #7
PhanthomJay said:
What is it that you like about Maths and what do you envision doing with this knowledge?
Math seems to easier than any other subject to me.
  • #8
You want to choose something which heavily relies on Mathematics. This could be to choose major field as Mathematics for at least an undergraduate degree, but you need o include other courses. If things go well, maybe move on for a graduate degree in Mathematics, but still, include other courses (from Sciences or Engineering or Computer Science) so you are able to find a job other than "Mathematician".

Maybe you want to switch how your courses are chosen - Major field in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Chemistry, but enroll in more Math courses than the program requires; not necessarily to any undergrad Math degree. Maybe something like minor concentration in Math but some other major field.
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  • #9
Can earn good money in some branches of Engineering such as Electronics or Computer Science
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  • #10
CWatters said:
Can earn good money in some branches of Engineering such as Electronics or Computer Science
Thanks. But as my brother is studying in Computer Science and Engineering , I can't choose it.
  • #11
symbolipoint said:
You want to choose something which heavily relies on Mathematics. This could be to choose major field as Mathematics for at least an undergraduate degree, but you need o include other courses. If things go well, maybe move on for a graduate degree in Mathematics, but still, include other courses (from Sciences or Engineering or Computer Science) so you are able to find a job other than "Mathematician".

Maybe you want to switch how your courses are chosen - Major field in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Chemistry, but enroll in more Math courses than the program requires; not necessarily to any undergrad Math degree. Maybe something like minor concentration in Math but some other major field.
Thanks. You have opened my eyes. Would you tell me whatever will my proffession if I go with Physics or Chemistry?
  • #12
M. M. Fahad Joy said:
Thanks. But as my brother is studying in Computer Science and Engineering , I can't choose it.
The choice your brother makes should be no logical reason to limit the choices that you can make. You do your best thinking and make the choice which you believe is best for yourself.
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  • #13
M. M. Fahad Joy said:
I think I should choose the exact proffession which is easy to me. As A science student, I have Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Higher Math. Among them Physics, Chemistry and Higher Math is easy to me. But Biology is difficult to me. Which is meeded to be a doctor. So, I am agreed to go with any subject without Biology.
M. M. Fahad Joy said:
Thanks. You have opened my eyes. Would you tell me whatever will my proffession if I go with Physics or Chemistry?
Knowing what would be your profession is not easy and maybe not possible to say. If you choose to earn a degree in Physics, and without a graduate degree, maybe you might become any of several things in a career. Some of them become engineers. Some become various kinds of technicians. Depending on other courses taken and experiences, some become computer programmers. If you choose to earn an undergraduate degree in Chemistry, you may find positions as a chemist; and maybe work as analytical chemist for environmental analysis, or synthesis chemist, or formulation research & development to help designing blended products of so many different types; or depending on experiences and other courses taken, something else either more or less related to Chemistry.
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  • #14
It seems like your parents don't want you to be a mathematician, and apparently not an engineer because your brother is studying for that profession? Is this correct? What do they want you to be? Maybe you can strike common ground.
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  • #15

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