Why is this content nonsensical?

In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of matter and energy from quantum fields and whether time and space are also created from these fields. The first speaker argues that they are, while the second speaker disagrees and explains the concept of energy-momentum and time-space as conjugate variables. The second speaker also mentions that at zero energy, time intervals are dilated to infinity. The final question, about the square root of a pork chop, is deemed nonsensical.
  • #1
Matter and energy are created from quantum field, but are time and space too created from quantum fields?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, they're not.
  • #3
I think yes. For instance, energy is the derivative of time and where there is no energy it is not possible to describe time variations. To order events in time it is necessary to have interactions, i.e. exchange of energy.
  • #4
Fredrik said:
No, they're not.

Without sounding like a moron and being a newbie, can I ask why not? Please dumb your answer down for me so I can understand...thank you:smile:
  • #5
time-space and energy-momentum are conjugate variable. Think to the phase of a quantum field: energy-momentum times time-space is a lorentz invariant. If you change the energy of the field you dilate the time intervals. At zero energy (zero mass), i.e. zero frequency of the quanta, the time intervals are dilated to infinity so the time is frozen. If "Matter and energy are created from quantum field" than also time and space are created by quantum fields.
  • #6
michah said:
Without sounding like a moron and being a newbie, can I ask why not?

What's the square root of a pork chop?

Sometimes what's posted is so nonsensical one can only point that out. A detailed discussion of exactly why is not possible.

FAQ: Why is this content nonsensical?

What is a quantum field?

A quantum field is a theoretical concept in physics that describes the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It is a mathematical representation of a physical field that permeates all of space and time and is responsible for the creation and interactions of particles.

How is quantum field theory related to spacetime?

Quantum field theory is the framework used to describe how particles and fields interact in spacetime. It combines the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to explain the behavior of particles on a microscopic level.

What is the significance of quantum fields in the study of the universe?

Quantum fields are essential in understanding the fundamental forces and particles that make up the universe. They provide a way to explain complex phenomena, such as the behavior of subatomic particles, and have led to many important discoveries in theoretical physics.

How do we observe and measure quantum fields?

Quantum fields are not directly observable, but their effects can be measured through interactions with particles. Scientists use particle accelerators and other high-energy experiments to study the behavior of particles and test the predictions of quantum field theory.

Are there any real-life applications of quantum fields and spacetime?

Quantum field theory has led to many practical applications, such as the development of transistors and other electronic devices. It also plays a crucial role in technologies like MRI machines and particle accelerators. Understanding quantum fields and spacetime is essential for advancing our understanding of the universe and developing new technologies.
