YouTube Classics, Part Deux

  • Thread starter lisab
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  • #211
Since "music hath charms" and there has been so much bad news including the recent hurricanes, here is a really nice song to end the weekend. Camelot is of course a famous musical and Robert Goulet was one of the finest singers of his generation.

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Physics news on
  • #212
Not to over-post, but this is my last post for a while due to the project I'm on, and since the hurricane causes me to think of building a fortress, here is a true classic sung by the gifted Dutch boy Heintje, singing in German way back in the 1960s. "Ich Bau Dir Ein Schloss" meaning "I build you a castle. " It features a safe transportation method too, maybe better than self-driving cars.

Next time a physics topic, perhaps?

Bye for now.

  • #213
DennisN said:
Laser art:

Wow! I've never seen anything like it!
  • #214
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  • #215
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Likes jim hardy, fresh_42 and OmCheeto
  • #216
There must be something magic in this tune that unites us as a species, and which is understood around the globe, even if we don't understand the words.
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  • #217
fresh_42 said:
There must be something magic in this tune...
Yes a good tune can pick me up by the psyche and carry me out of a funk. I seem to need some music therapy about once a week.

I always liked this tune

that particular music video grabbed me because it's made right where we 'hung out' in high school.
O nostalgia, they just don't make it like they used to..
  • #218
jim hardy said:
Yes a good tune can pick me up by the psyche and carry me out of a funk. I seem to need some music therapy about once a week.
Yes, me, too. I have a couple of "standards" in mind which I know of how they influence me. E.g. the Tannhäuser prelude to encourage me - and I don't like Wagner! I like to say: "I'm no Tibetan monk, so I have only limited capabilities to influence my ANS and music can do this."
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  • #219
  • #220
  • #221
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  • #222

You can try to Outrun the Law, but you can't Outrun the Laws of Physics.
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  • #223
I didn't know there was rice that popped like pop corn. This is awesome!

I like how he cooks in his other videos as well.

A few Japanese/American cultural and speech differences between a nice couple

Until I watched this video, I honestly thought it was okay to say: "What's wrong with you?" when asking someone why they felt bad. I was not aware it was perceived wrong by English speakers :-p.
  • #224
Playful large brained mammals

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Likes DennisN, collinsmark, Psinter and 1 other person
  • #225
The following voices are simply amazing and scenic. One thought that crosses my mind is how can some people have such attractive voices. Voices that literally take the breath out of you. I don't know how to express it with words in English. It's just awesome. I love their voices. Various YouTube videos ahead. All heard and appreciated better with headphones.

  1. Mirusia. My mind was blown the first time I heard her. Completely astounded. Her voice is so soothing, I could fall asleep to it anytime. How can a voice be that smooth and beautiful, I have no idea.
  2. Liam O'Brien. I first found out about his voice at the game FFXIII-2 (I loved that game). His voice is tremendous and rousing. How can one not fall for that voice. Such deepness, such wow. *fangirling all over the place* I gathered other clip links in case you just happen to love his voice as much as me (spoilers for the game ahead). I just can't have enough of him.
  3. Olivia Ruiz. Her voice is enticing. Can't understand a word she is saying, but I love her voice. First heard it on the movie Jack et la Mécanique du cœur (I highly recommend that movie. Watch it in it's original language, French, with English subtitles). Here's the full song heard in the video:
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  • #226
Very funny! :biggrin:

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  • #227

(there is also Cantina done the same way)
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  • #228
Cat fight with sound effects:

  • #229
We all have that friend at 0:12. If you don't, then you are that friend. :-p

  • #230
Me when I find something interesting over which I have but a faint knowledge on so I start researching on the depths of the internet: (0:30)

Chocolate milk
Connecting scattered information
Until you finally acquire knowledge

The language is assembly, which I will not utter here. :oldlaugh:

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  • #233
fresh_42 said:
He is nuts for cluing them, even crazier to light them, and unfortunately, it looks as what will happen to Earth in the future.
And he has probably burnt his bridges of ever becoming a firefighter.
  • #234

A small bit of snow and all of Britain goes to pieces. Sad really.
  • #235
I posted before about a mixed song (Smells Like Teen Spirit/Never Gonna Give You Up) with Rick Astley/Nirvana
Aufbauwerk 2045 said:
Obviously I am a great fan of Rick Astley.

I just wanted to say that I just found out that Rick Astley and Foo Fighters actually performed the mixed song live, very funny, here's the story:

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  • #236
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  • #237
nsaspook said:

  • #238

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  • #239

Nice parody. If you ask me, the boy is better at moving his arms. More fluid. But too stiff on his legs. The girl is awesome with her legs. And to think she's able to move like that while wearing heels. They complement each other :approve:.
  • #240
Now that's an unbrella. 135 kmh in a wind tunnel and you can even take it skydiving. :oldtongue:
Stormproof Umbrella

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  • #241
Borg said:
Now that's an unbrella. 135 kmh in a wind tunnel and you can even take it skydiving. :oldtongue:
Stormproof Umbrella
I hope they've had an even bigger umbrella with them while shooting the skydiver scene!
  • #242
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Likes Astronuc, DennisN, nsaspook and 1 other person
  • #243
  • #244
Ah yes, you are right. :)
  • #245
Dutch Singing Road. :oldlaugh:
Makes you wonder what bureaucrat thought this was a good idea. :doh:
Take the highway past the Dutch village of Jelsum and the road will play you a tune.
Created by strategically laid "rumble strips" as a way of livening up journeys across the flat landscape, the novelty has worn thin for locals who say the constant droning melody is driving them mad.
If hit at the correct speed - the 60 kph (40 mph) limit - the road will sing out the anthem of the Friesland region - a northern part of the Netherlands that has a distinct language and culture.
But it is loud and the sound travels, and locals say the musical road had created a never-ending cacophony that keeps them awake at night.

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Likes DennisN, david2 and nsaspook

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