Zeros of complex function in SciPy

  • #1
I've been told that the method scipy.optimize.Newton() will solve complex functions so long as the first derivative is provided. I can't make it work. The documentation for Newton() mentions nothing of complex functions. Could someone show me how one would find the roots of a function like f(z) = 1 + z^2 in SciPy? I need to solve something much more complex, but a simple example will help me immensely.
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  • #2
Please read the forum rules. Double posts are not allowed.
  • #3
phinds said:
Please read the forum rules. Double posts are not allowed.

I realized that I posted in the wrong forum, but can't delete the old thread. I reported it.
  • #4
I don't know anything about Python, but if you want to find a complex root by Newton's method, make sure the imaginary part of your initial guess is non-zero. Otherwise, the iterations will probably never leave the real line, and therefore won't converge to a complex root.

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