Lack of social welfare system in China

In summary: This is very sad, a family took their own mother to be cremated while she was still alive because they couldn't afford the medical bills. Is the welfare system in China really that bad? I'd like to hear from some of our members that are there.Mercator, give TSM my regards when you see him.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
This is very sad, a family took their own mother to be cremated while she was still alive because they couldn't afford the medical bills.

Is the welfare system in China really that bad? I'd like to hear from some of our members that are there.

"BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese peasant woman who suffered a brain hemorrhage was left at the undertakers alive for cremation because her family could no longer afford hospital treatment, state media said on Friday.;_ylt=AouZblzxfq9Y99lrDI_mg979xg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NTMzazIyBHNlYwMxNjk2
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Physics news on
  • #2
where's TSM when we need him? :-p

I agree though this is a really sad story. The transition to a free market economy in China has the potential to be even more devastating for the Chinese peasants than Russia's was for their's.
  • #3
He got banned again for insulting Tom. Didn't you get the PM?
  • #4
Smurf said:
He got banned again for insulting Tom. Didn't you get the PM?
No, that wasn't it.
  • #5
Oh... bummer, it was quite amusing.
  • #6
Evo said:
This is very sad, a family took their own mother to be cremated while she was still alive because they couldn't afford the medical bills.
Is the welfare system in China really that bad? I'd like to hear from some of our members that are there.
"BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese peasant woman who suffered a brain hemorrhage was left at the undertakers alive for cremation because her family could no longer afford hospital treatment, state media said on Friday.;_ylt=AouZblzxfq9Y99lrDI_mg979xg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NTMzazIyBHNlYwMxNjk2
Yes it's bad, in particular for one part of the population: those that fell out between the cooperatives and the modern "Dengism" economy.
State owned companies are sold out by the government to Chinese would be capitalists (typically the guy with the loudest mouth, best relations etc..) The workers then loose their guaranteed employment, and have nothing to fall back on. More later, I'm on a plane to BJ! (the city!)
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  • #7
Mercator said:
Yes it's bad, in particular for one part of the population: those that fell out between the cooperatives and the modern "Dengism" economy.
State owned companies are sold out by the government to Chinese would be capitalists (typically the guy with the loudest mouth, best relations etc..) The workers then loose their guaranteed employment, and have nothing to fall back on. More later, I'm on a plane to BJ! (the city!)
Have a safe trip!
  • #8
Mercator, give TSM my regards when you see him.

Indeed a very sad story - and the woman is only 47 years of age.

State owned companies are sold out by the government to Chinese would be capitalists (typically the guy with the loudest mouth, best relations etc..) The workers then loose their guaranteed employment, and have nothing to fall back on.
Much the same in Eastern Europe. Some of my friends must get by on the equivalent of $200-$300/month - and quite a few have PhD's. The rush to western capitalist, free-market economies left many behind.
  • #9
Why should they have a social welfare system? The government is unelected, and so doesn't really need the public's approval on much. Furthermore, with the amount of people in that country, spreading the wealth around in social welfare programs would invariably spread the wealth far too thin. You've got to build up quite a bit of lucre in order to have a proper welfare system.

FAQ: Lack of social welfare system in China

What is the current state of the social welfare system in China?

The social welfare system in China is still in the early stages of development. While there have been some improvements in recent years, there is still a lack of comprehensive and effective policies in place.

What are the main reasons for the lack of a social welfare system in China?

There are several factors that contribute to the lack of a social welfare system in China. These include a large population, rapid economic growth, and a focus on economic development over social welfare programs.

How does the lack of a social welfare system impact the citizens of China?

The lack of a social welfare system in China can have a significant impact on the citizens, particularly those who are vulnerable or marginalized. It can lead to issues such as poverty, inequality, and limited access to healthcare and education.

Are there any efforts being made to improve the social welfare system in China?

Yes, the Chinese government has recognized the need for a stronger social welfare system and has implemented various policies and programs to address this issue. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of providing comprehensive and sustainable social welfare for all citizens.

What can be done to improve the social welfare system in China?

In order to improve the social welfare system in China, there needs to be a focus on creating more inclusive policies, increasing funding for social welfare programs, and addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. Additionally, there needs to be a shift in societal attitudes towards the importance of social welfare in promoting overall well-being and stability.

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