Recent content by AdamNailor

  1. A

    Distance between two points of differing phase

    Is it 3.33? I need to learn the simple definition of what phase is I think. EDIT: Doesn't matter, I've had to hand it in now. Just guessed at 3.33. Which is probably wrong, but it was only two marks so its not the end of the world.
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    Distance between two points of differing phase

    1. A wave has a wavelength of 20 cm. Calculate the minimum distance between 2 points on the wave which differ in phase by 60 degrees 2. ummmm 3. I have drawn a sine wave from 0 to 360, and have marked the point where 60 degress should be. I don't really know why though. Very...
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    Finding Positive Roots for 2x3-12x2-3x+36=0

    I'm not sure I need to post the whole question, but if I'm having difficulty I will. Basically I'm not sure what the root they are asking me to find is. I have a curve of y=2x2(6-x) and the line y=-3x+36 and I've plotted both of these on a graph. I've shown that where the line and the curve meet...
  4. A

    Impulse on ball involving angles

    And my working out tghe average force will be correct with this new value? ie, F=18.5/0.01=1850N. Thanks for you help btw. This has got to be handed in in 20 minutes! Worth 25 marks too. Silly really for how easy it is, once you've got started, I'm just too hungover to think properly and...
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    Impulse on ball involving angles

    Pythagorus. So \sqrt{41.2^2+21.2^2}=46.3 so I = 46.3x0.4 = 18.5
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    Impulse on ball involving angles

    well, sin 45 and cos45 are the same, so the vertical change is just sin45=21.2 So the total change in velocity is the total of the two, 21.2+41.2=62.4 So no to find the change in momentum I times 62.4 by the mass to get 24.96 ? which is the impulse?
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    Impulse on ball involving angles

    OK, so, 30cos45=21.2 21.2-(-20)=41.2 correct?
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    Impulse on ball involving angles

    1. A ball of mass 0.40kg is moving to the left at a velocity v0=-20 m/s. It is kicked and given a velocity, at 45 degrees upwards to the right, of vf30[/sub] m/s. 1) Find the impulse of the force 2) Find the average force The collision time is 0.010s 2. I = (delta) P I = F...
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    What is the maximum height reached by a flying cow launched from a castle?

    Hang on, no that can t be right, because the 5.04 seconds is not the time taken for the whole trajectory, just for the bit where the cow becomes visible. So when I use 2.52 it actually should be a number a bit larger than that. Now I'm stuck.
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    What is the maximum height reached by a flying cow launched from a castle?

    ok so considering the motion after the peak we know that s=0.5*9.81*2.52^2 = 31.14m That looks more like it. Thats correct yes?
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    What is the maximum height reached by a flying cow launched from a castle?

    But for number 2 you say I know what u is, but I dont, that's what I need to find out.
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    What is the maximum height reached by a flying cow launched from a castle?

    This is part of a project I'm doing, and I'm not sure if you can actually work out the answer with the information I have available, but I'll see. Its a review of the physics involved of the scene in the monty pythons the hold grail where the cow is catapulted out of the castle. So, the question...
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    Current from magnetic configuration

    I checked and it should be current density, not current. ... I think that the current density would be 0. Correct?
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    Current from magnetic configuration

    Thanks. So... now I am more confused :redface: What exactly do I have to solve from this to get the current density? is it related to Maxwell's equations in terms of E and B for linear materials? I think what is probably a good idea is someone explaining what all the terms in the original...
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    Current from magnetic configuration

    Thanks for the reponse. I'm still a bit confused, maybe it is a bit of an ambiguos question... its not from a textbook but was a written question, so I'm presuming they meant current density... how exactly would you do \vec{\nabla} x \vec{B} to get the current density? not sure what all the...