Recent content by ambivalent_chemicist

  1. ambivalent_chemicist

    Programs Major in Chemistry or Physics?

    I'm only starting my 2nd year, so I haven't taken the university o-chem sequence. But, my high school offered an o-chem class, which I took of course. The most interesting topics for me were spectroscopy and reaction mechanisms. It was interesting to be able to look at a molecule and see how its...
  2. ambivalent_chemicist

    Programs Major in Chemistry or Physics?

    I haven't yet, because I want to have a sense of whether I'll like it or not. I've been asking physical chem professors & others who do spectroscopy/computation and I'm planning to ask physics professors about what they think. But, my academic advisor is an analytical chem professor doing...
  3. ambivalent_chemicist

    What area of physics should I focus on as a chemistry major?

    Currently a chemistry major in school, but interested in physics. Might switch to being a physics major. That means I have no idea what part of physics I'm most interested in, but I'll be lurking around the forums seeing what's going on. I hope to be more knowledgeable/active in the future.
  4. ambivalent_chemicist

    Programs Major in Chemistry or Physics?

    As with probably a lot of pure science undergrads, my dream goal is to become a researcher, academia or industry. As far as I know at the moment, I'm interested in the area of research that straddles physics and chemistry, and I'm not sure which one I should major in. Should I major in chemistry...