Recent content by Ascenxion

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    Different acceleration in an accelerating rocket?

    Thank you all for the wonderful explanations.
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    Different acceleration in an accelerating rocket?

    Thanks. By the way, what is Born Rigidity? I heard it is considered so that the distance between the ceiling and the floor remain constant. Is it considered to keep up with Lorentz Contraction, which may change the distance between the two?
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    Different acceleration in an accelerating rocket?

    I read from a physics website that says that an accelerating object experiences different acceleration throughout its structure according to special relativity. I never thought of that! "In special relativity, one finds that when a spacecraft maintains its structural integrity, so that the...
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    Object Approaching Event Horizon: Why Does it Slow Down?

    According to an outside observer, an object slows down as it approaches the event horizon but never reaches it. Why does it slow down? Thanks.
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    Why does only one object feel accelerated?

    Well, I found this question in the" topic in Wikipedia, and I was confused about its meaning. Thanks.
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    Why does only one object feel accelerated?

    In terms of general relativity, what does this question mean? Thanks.
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    How does weight work in general relativity?

    So weight is basically the proper acceleration we experience at surface, according to General Relativity?If so, how does our proper acceleration differ at different points of the Earth? Thanks.
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    How does weight work in general relativity?

    Thanks. But what about, Is it because the space-time curvature (gravitation) decreases slightly by distance?
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    How does weight work in general relativity?

    How does" work in general relativity? Well, since GR states that the gravitational force does not exist... What about different weights at different altitudes?
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    Acceleration and Curvature of space-time

    Which coordinates will give me the answer yes?Thanks much.
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    Acceleration and Curvature of space-time

    I see many different answers. So, which is it? EDIT: Oh, the "acceleration" in my bold part is coordinate acceleration. Objects traveling along geodesics in curved space-time don't experience proper acceleration.
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    The upward force in General Relativity

    Thanks for the clarification, guys.
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    Acceleration and Curvature of space-time

    What do you mean by that? Thanks.
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    Acceleration and Curvature of space-time

    So is the falling (inertial) object traveling at constant velocity or stationary as we accelerate towards it?
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    The upward force in General Relativity

    So which one is more correct? Or are they both correct? I'm confused.