Trophies awarded to Astronuc

Posting Activity

  1. 20,000 Post Mark (60 points)

    Congrats on posting 20K messages!

Reaction Score

  1. 5000 Reaction Score (60 points)

    Members have reacted positively to your posts 5000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!

Membership Length

  1. 15 Years as a Member (35 points)

    Happy 15 year anniversary!

User Status

  1. PF Emeritus (150 points)

    Staff who have retired on a beach somewhere in the south pacific!
  2. Science Advisor (75 points)

    Congrats, you're a Science Advisor!
  3. Mentorship (150 points)

    You have joined the ranks of the highly acclaimed Mentors!

Lifetime Achievements

  1. The Marie Curie Award (70 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 5000 Likes, 20,000 Posts, and 10 years a member. High praise for you!
  2. The Einstein Award (50 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 3000 Likes, 15,000 Posts, and 8 years a member. High praise for you!
  3. The Carl Sagan Award (30 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 1500 Likes, 10,000 Posts, and 5 years a member. High praise for you!