Recent content by Banksyboy88

  1. B

    Relativity of Simultaneity and Time

    Ok guys so I think I am starting to understand this a little better. Heres one quick question. Let's say the apple and the orange about are dropped and hit the ground simultaneously in one frame. Now let's freeze time. In one frame they are on the ground at the same time at the second they...
  2. B

    Relativity of Simultaneity and Time

    Sorry for all these questions! i really appreciate all the help, yet I am very confused and would like to understand more Ok in this animation A and C are outside the light cones How can it take place neither in the...
  3. B

    Relativity of Simultaneity and Time

    So I drop an apple and an orange at the same time. I see they land at the same moment. Observer 2 else sees me drop the apple first, the orange second. And observer 3 sees me drop the orange and the apple. The apple or the orange did not cause the other to drop. For observer 2 the dropped...
  4. B

    Relativity of Simultaneity and Time

    In a nutshell what confuses me is the future for one is the past for another. Past and future are relative. Doesn't the universe move forward in time or am i missing something?
  5. B

    Relativity of Simultaneity and Time

    Hey guys, i am not a science guy by any means so any answer written for the layman would be much appreciated. i may not be understanding this right but here it goes: In einstein's relativity of simultaneity we talk about how events A,B, and C are simultaneous for one observer (lets call him...