
My name is Jacob Bartell, I'm a physics undergraduate student at Grand Valley State University, and I studied physics at The University of North Dakota for two years prior to this. I was born and raised in Michigan, and went to Central Michigan University right out of high school to be a music major, however this wasn't my calling. So, I took a break and worked to support myself. Then I decided I would like to go back to school, and moved to North Dakota to be a student again. There I found a passion for learning that I had never experienced before, and I knew that I didn't want to major in music anymore, so I set my eyes on other avenues. As fate determined, I found physics and haven't looked back. I've never been adept at mathematics, but I found a great love for this field that I just can't seem to shake off. That being said, I have a tremendously difficult time understanding the content, and have come here seeking advice for physics students, and a community that can help me maintain motivation to understand the content, as I've been feeling extremely discouraged recently due to some not-so-great grades. I also hope that I might be able to help other students who are going through what I'm going through, or at the very least offer my moral support. I'm looking forward to getting know anyone who wishes to get to know me, and I'm hoping that this forum can help get me where I need to be, so that I may return the favor when someone else needs that same help.
Grandville, MI
Education in Progress
Educational Background
High School
Degree in
Grand Valley State University
Full-Time Physics Student
Favorite Area of Science
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Chemistry
Favorite Scientist/s
Issac Newton, Erwin Schrödinger, Einstein,
Favorite Books
Astrophysics For People In a Hurry, A Brief History of Time, Six Easy Pieces